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  about Me

Welcome to Smoky Beginnings!

Hey there, I'm CJ, and I'm all about BBQ. I've got a real passion for it, where the grill meets the fire and flavor comes to life.

Some of my favorite YouTube channels are Max the Meat Guy and Over the Fire Cooking. I absolutely love pulled pork sandwiches, and when it comes to BBQ techniques, smoking meat is my go-to because I'm all about that methodical approach.

Why do I love BBQ?

It's simple. I'm hooked on that combination of smoke and meat, the amazing smell wafting through the air, and the satisfaction of biting into perfectly cooked goodness.

My inspiration?

Well, it's rooted in family time, especially memories with my dad before he passed. There's nothing like spending a weekend or a weeknight prepping the fire and food—it's like therapy for me.

why you should trust me

Let's just say I've put in the hours. Years of hands-on experience, trying out new things, and really diving deep into the world of BBQ. I've got a solid grasp on different regional styles, cooking methods, and how to pair flavors just right.

Why am I so passionate about this?

BBQ isn't just a hobby for me—it's become part of who I am. I love exploring new flavors, seeing smiles light up when folks taste my food, and constantly improving my skills.

Come join me on this tasty journey. Together, we'll learn, create, and savor the joy of BBQ.

Let's fire up that grill and make some memories.