How To Cook Perfect Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket

Smoking a Pit Barrel Cooker brisket is not simply about cooking meat; it is about creating a culinary masterpiece that tantalizes the taste buds and leaves everyone craving for more. It requires an intricate balance of skill, patience, and the right equipment to achieve that perfectly tender and flavorful result. One such equipment that has gained popularity among barbecue enthusiasts is the Pit Barrel Cooker – a versatile tool known for its ability to produce mouthwatering smoked meats.

This comprehensive post aims to walk you through the process of using the Pit Barrel Cooker specifically designed for smoking beef briskets. Whether you are an experienced pitmaster with years of grilling expertise or someone who is just starting their journey into the world of barbecue, this post has got all your needs covered when it comes to cooking a delicious Pit Barrel Cooker brisket. With step-by-step instructions, we will take you on a culinary adventure from selecting the ideal cut of meat to serving up your very own Pit Barrel Cooker brisket.

So get ready to embark on a flavorful journey filled with expert tips, essential techniques, and tried-and-true methods that will elevate your barbecue skills to new heights when it comes to preparing a succulent Pit Barrel Cooker brisket. Whether you're looking to impress guests at a summer cookout or simply want to indulge in some delicious homemade smoked meat, sit back, relax, and let us guide you towards achieving BBQ perfection with your very own Pit Barrel Cooker brisket.

The Pit Barrel Cooker Advantage

The Pit Barrel Cooker, a popular choice among barbecue enthusiasts, provides an unbeatable advantage when it comes to cooking succulent and mouthwatering briskets. With its exceptional features, this remarkable cooker ensures that every bite of your smoky creation is packed with flavor.

Precise Temperature Control

One of the standout advantages of the Pit Barrel Cooker is its precise temperature control. This feature allows you to effortlessly maintain the ideal heat level throughout the cooking process. Whether you prefer low and slow or hot and fast cooking techniques, this cooker has got you covered. No more worrying about fluctuating temperatures or overcooking; with the Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket, achieving consistent results has never been easier.

In addition to temperature control, even heat distribution sets this cooker apart from its counterparts. The unique design of the Pit Barrel Cooker ensures that heat circulates evenly around your brisket for uniform cooking perfection. Say goodbye to unevenly cooked meat with dry spots or burned edges – thanks to this innovative cooker, your brisket will be flawlessly tender from edge to edge.


Versatility is another key aspect of why many pitmasters choose the Pit Barrel Cooker for their prized briskets. Not only can it deliver incredible results when smoking a whole packer cut, but it also excels in various other culinary endeavors such as grilling and roasting. From perfectly seared steaks to delectably roasted vegetables, this multipurpose cooker showcases its adaptability in every dish prepared within its sleek black exterior.

With all these exceptional features at your disposal when using a Pit Barrel Cooker, there's no doubt that your barbecue game will reach new heights. Elevate your cookouts by harnessing the power of precision temperature control, even heat distribution, and unrivaled versatility provided by this top-of-the-line smoker grill combo.

So whether you're a seasoned pitmaster looking for an upgrade or a novice barbecue enthusiast ready to take on the world of brisket, the Pit Barrel Cooker is your ultimate cooking companion. Experience the difference that this remarkable cooker brings to your culinary endeavors and savor the mouthwatering results it delivers time and time again – because when it comes to cooking briskets, nothing beats the Pit Barrel Cooker!

pit barrel cooker brisket

Selecting the Right Brisket

When it comes to smoking Pit Barrel Cooker brisket, selecting the right cut of meat is essential for achieving mouthwatering results. The Pit Barrel Cooker is known for its ability to transform even the toughest cuts of beef into tender and flavorful masterpieces.

With that in mind, let's dive into the different cuts of beef briskets available on the market and how to select one that suits your preferences.

One popular option is the "packer" or "whole packer" brisket. This cut includes both the point and flat portions, offering a perfect balance of tenderness and flavor. It provides ample marbling, which adds moisture and richness during cooking. When choosing a packer brisket for your Pit Barrel Cooker, look for one with consistent fat distribution throughout both muscles.

If you prefer leaner meat, you may opt for a "flat" or "first-cut" brisket. This cut only contains the lean flat muscle without any additional fat or connective tissue. While it may require extra care when cooking to prevent drying out, it can still produce exceptional results when smoked using a Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket method.

Consider the size of the brisket

Another factor to consider when selecting a pit barrel brisket is size. The ideal range typically falls between 10-14 pounds as larger sizes can take longer to cook evenly while smaller ones may dry out more quickly if not monitored closely.

To ensure optimal tenderness and flavor from your selected cut, pay attention to color as well. Look for vibrant red meat with white marbling dispersed evenly throughout. Avoid dull-colored meat or excessive amounts of yellowish fat as they indicate inferior quality.

In conclusion, when smoking a brisket on your pit barrel brisket, selecting high-quality meat plays an integral role in achieving outstanding results . Consider options like packer or whole-briskets if you desire maximum tenderness and flavor , whereas lean cuts like flats are suited for those who prefer a leaner option.

Remember to choose a brisket within the ideal size range and pay attention to its color for indications of quality. With these tips in mind, you can elevate your Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket experience by selecting the perfect cut of meat for your next smoking session.

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Preparing Your Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket

When it comes to this pit barrel brisket recipe, proper preparation is the key to achieving mouthwatering results. The first step in preparing your Pit Barrel Cooker brisket is trimming excess fat. While some fat is necessary for flavor and moisture, excessive amounts can prevent the meat from cooking evenly and result in an unpleasant texture. By carefully removing any large pockets of fat, you will ensure that your brisket cooks to perfection.

After trimming, it's time to season the meat with rubs and marinades. This step adds layers of flavor that will complement the natural richness of the beef. When choosing a rub or marinade for your Pit Barrel Cooker brisket, consider flavors that enhance rather than overpower the meat. A blend of salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, and brown sugar can create a deliciously balanced seasoning mix.

Seasoning the Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket

Once the seasoning has been applied thoroughly to all sides of the brisket, it's important to let it rest for at least 30 minutes or up to overnight in order for the flavors to penetrate into the meat fully. During this resting period, refrigerate the seasoned brisket so that it remains fresh until you're ready to cook.

Now comes the exciting part – placing your prized cut onto your Pit Barrel Cooker! The unique design of this cooker allows for optimal heat circulation around food while maintaining moist conditions throughout cooking. This ensures a tender and juicy outcome every time.

Place the Brisket onto the Pit Barrel Cooker

As you place your prepared brisket onto its hooks inside the cooker barrel, make sure they are securely fastened so that they don't come loose during cooking process.

Throughout the cooking process of your PBC brisket , resist the temptation of opening lid frequently as this may cause temperature fluctuations leading uneven cook .

Instead trust in pitmasters' wisdom: "If you're looking there ain't no cookin', if you're cookin' there ain't no lookin'."

In conclusion, preparing your pit barrel smoker brisket is a crucial step towards achieving a delicious and tender result. By trimming excess fat, seasoning with rubs and marinades, and properly placing the meat onto the cooker, you'll be well on your way to creating a mouthwatering smoked brisket that will leave everyone in awe of your pitmaster skills.

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how to smoke a brisket in a barrel smoker

Smoking your brisket on a Pit Barrel Cooker can truly elevate your barbecue game. With its unique design and exceptional heat distribution, the Pit Barrel Cooker ensures that you achieve tender and flavorful meat every time. In this section, we will guide you through the process of smoking your Pit Barrel Cooker brisket to perfection using this remarkable cooking apparatus.

To begin, it is important to preheat your Pit Barrel Cooker to a temperature of 275°F (135°C). This consistent temperature allows for optimal smoke absorption while ensuring that the meat cooks evenly. The Pit Barrel Cooker excels at maintaining steady temperatures throughout the entire cook, eliminating any guesswork or constant adjustments.

Choosing Wood Chips

When it comes to choosing wood chips for enhancing flavors, there are several options that pair exceptionally well with beef brisket. Hickory, oak, and mesquite are popular choices due to their robust flavors that complement the rich taste of the meat. Soak these wood chips in water for about 30 minutes before adding them to your cooker; this prevents them from burning too quickly and creates a more controlled smoldering effect.

Once your cooker has reached its desired temperature and you have added soaked wood chips for additional smoky flavor, it's time to place your seasoned brisket onto the grates. Ensure that fat side up is facing towards the fire as this allows for self-basting during the cooking process.

Maintain an internal temperature between 250-275°F (121-135°C) throughout the cook by adjusting airflow on both intake and exhaust vents as needed. This slow-cooking method ensures tenderness while allowing ample time for flavors to develop within each bite.

Know when your Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket is done

During smoking sessions lasting around six hours or longer (depending on size), periodically check internal temperatures using a reliable thermometer inserted into thickest part of meat without touching bone or grating bars directly beneath it – aim for an internal temperature of around 205°F (96°C) when determining doneness.

By following these guidelines and utilizing the Pit Barrel Cooker, you can achieve a mouthwatering brisket that boasts a perfect balance of smokiness, tenderness, and succulence. So fire up your Pit Barrel Cooker and get ready to impress your family and friends with a Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket that will leave them craving for more!

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Achieving Perfectly Smoked Pit Barrel Cooker Beef Brisket

One of the most beloved and iconic dishes in American barbecue culture is the beef brisket. Known for its tender, melt-in-your-mouth texture and smoky flavor, a perfectly smoked Pit Barrel Cooker brisket is truly a culinary masterpiece. But how do you know when your labor of love is ready to be devoured?

Let's take a look into some of the telltale signs.

First and foremost, the aroma wafting from your Pit Barrel Cooker will give you a clue that something magical is happening inside. As the hours pass and the meat slowly cooks over charcoal and wood chips, an intoxicating blend of smoke, spices, and beefy goodness begins to permeate the air. This tantalizing scent will have everyone within sniffing distance salivating in anticipation.

Keep an eye on your Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket

Next up are visual cues that indicate your Pit Barrel Cooker brisket has reached perfection. Throughout the cooking process, keep an eye on the color transformation taking place on the exterior of the meat. Initially raw-looking with a reddish hue, as it smokes away in your cooker for several hours at just the right temperature – around 225°F – it gradually develops a beautiful mahogany crust known as "bark." This bark should be dark but not burnt; it's where most of those coveted flavors reside.

But appearances can be deceiving; what really matters is tenderness. To check if your brisket is done properly without slicing into it prematurely (which can lead to dryness), utilize what pitmasters call “the poke test.” Using tongs or even just your fingers (protected by gloves or mitts), gently press down on different areas of the cooked meat.

If it springs back immediately like a rubber ball, more cooking time is required. However, if there’s some resistance followed by slow return to its original shape—like pressing down on memory foam—that's an indication that your Pit Barrel Cooker brisket has achieved optimal tenderness.

Ready to Serve

Lastly, the ultimate confirmation that your brisket is ready-to-serve lies in its taste. The Pit Barrel Cooker's unique smoking technique ensures a moist and flavorful final product, as the juices are sealed within during the low-and-slow cooking process. Once sliced against the grain to reveal those beautiful smoke rings and served on a platter, take a bite and savor the flavors dancing on your palate. Tender with just the right amount of smokiness—this is what true barbecue aficionados dream of.

In conclusion, achieving perfectly smoked Pit Barrel Cooker brisket requires patience, skill, and attention to detail. But when you follow these guidelines – keeping an eye out for aroma, color transformation, tenderness through “the poke test,” and ultimately experiencing that mouthwatering first bite – you can proudly serve up a feast worthy of celebration using your beloved cooker.

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Serving and Enjoying Your Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket

Serving and enjoying your perfectly cooked Pit Barrel Cooker brisket is the final step in creating a memorable dining experience. In this section, we will delve into the art of presentation, cutting techniques for slicing your brisket, pairing it with complementary accompaniments and sides, and savoring all the intricate flavors that make your masterpiece truly exceptional.

  • Presentation: Remember, we eat with our eyes first! To impress your guests visually, carefully present your beautifully cooked Pit Barrel Cooker brisket on a clean platter or serving board. Consider garnishing it with fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro to add some vibrant color. Additionally, you can brush a thin layer of glaze or sauce over the surface of the brisket to give it an enticing sheen.
  • Slicing Techniques: Properly slicing your Pit Barrel Cooker brisket is crucial to ensure each piece retains its tenderness and juiciness. Start by using a sharp carving knife or electric slicer to cut against the grain of the meat. This technique guarantees that every slice will be tender rather than chewy. Aim for slices about ¼ inch thick but adjust according to personal preference.
  • Accompaniments and Sides: Enhance the flavor profile of your Pit Barrel Cooker brisket by serving it with delicious accompaniments and sides that complement its smoky goodness. Classic choices include tangy barbecue sauce for dipping or drizzling over individual servings, pickles for adding a refreshing crunch, coleslaw for a contrasting texture and freshness, baked beans as a hearty side dish option rich in flavors that blend well with smoked meats.
  • Enjoying Your Masterpiece: After all the effort put into smoking and preparing such an exquisite dish as brisket; take time to appreciate each bite fully Finally when relishing every mouthful allow yourself time slow down savor the complex mix sweet savory flavors mingling together succulent melt-in-your-mouth texture should relished slowly enjoyed best either alone among good company. Pair your brisket with a glass of robust red wine such as Cabernet Sauvignon or an ice-cold beer to elevate the experience further.

Remember, great food is meant to be savored and shared. So, gather around the table with loved ones and take pleasure in serving and enjoying your perfectly cooked brisket masterpiece!

Looking for More Pit Barrel Cooker Delights?

If your taste buds are tingling and your appetite for Pit Barrel Cooker goodness has been awakened, then you're in for a treat. Explore an array of mouthwatering Pit Barrel Cooker recipes that will make you drool with anticipation. Just click the link below and dive into another culinary adventure with our "10 Mouthwatering Pit Barrel Cooker Recipes to Make You Drool" post. Get ready to discover a whole new world of flavor that will keep you coming back for more.

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How To Cook Perfect Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket Conclusion

Mastering the art of smoking a succulent beef brisket requires patience and practice. With the right equipment like a Pit Barrel Cooker and our comprehensive guide at hand, you can confidently venture into creating mouthwatering smoked beef goodness that will leave everyone craving more. Embrace your inner pitmaster; fire up your cooker; let's smoke some fantastic brisket together!

Make sure to comeback to as we are continuously adding new recipes and tips to the site.

Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket FAQ

Q. What type of brisket is best for smoking in a Pit Barrel Cooker?

A: Any type of beef brisket can be smoked in a Pit Barrel Cooker, but the most commonly recommended and popular choice is the packer cut brisket.

Q. How long does it take to smoke a brisket using this method?

A: The cooking time for smoking a brisket can vary depending on its size, weight, and desired tenderness. As a general guideline, you can expect an average-sized brisket to take around 10-12 hours at an ideal temperature range of 225-250°F (107-121°C).

Q. Can I use different rubs for seasoning my brisket?

A: Absolutely! Using different rubs and seasonings allows you to experiment with flavors and find your personal preference. Just make sure to apply the rub generously all over the surface of the meat before smoking.

Q. What wood chips are recommended for smoking brisket?

A: For achieving that classic smoky flavor, hardwoods such as oak, hickory, or mesquite are usually recommended when smoking beef brisket.

Q. Is it necessary to monitor the temperature while smoking brisket in a Pit Barrel Cooker?

A: While not mandatory, monitoring the internal temperature of your smoked brisket is highly recommended for achieving optimal results. A digital meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the meat will help ensure accurate doneness.

Q. How do I know when the brisket is ready to be served?

A: The best way to determine if your smoked beef brisket is done is by checking its internal temperature using a meat thermometer – typically around 195-205°F (90-96°C) for tender sliced or pulled results.

Q. Can I use the Pit Barrel Cooker for other types of meat?

A: Yes! The Pit Barrel Cooker is versatile and can be used for smoking various types of meat like pork shoulder, ribs, chicken, turkey, and more.

Q. Are there any special techniques for achieving a smoky flavor in the brisket?

A: To enhance the smoky flavor of your brisket, you can consider using wood chunks instead of chips or adding some soaked wood chips directly onto the charcoal during the cooking process.

Q. What are some popular side dishes to serve with smoked beef brisket?

A: Popular side dishes that pair well with smoked beef brisket include coleslaw, baked beans, cornbread, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, grilled vegetables.

Q. How can I store leftover smoked brisket for later consumption?

A: Leftover smoked brisket should be stored properly to maintain its quality. It is recommended to wrap it tightly in aluminum foil or place it in an airtight container before refrigerating. When reheating, you can either use a microwave or gently heat it in an oven until warmed through.

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The Perfect Pit Barrel Cooker Brisket: A Mouthwatering Delight

Whether you're a seasoned pitmaster or a backyard BBQ hero in the making, this recipe is designed to help you achieve tender, flavorful, and smoky brisket that will leave your guests craving for more.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 12 hours
Total Time 12 hours 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 10 people
Calories 300 kcal


  • 1 Whole beef brisket (approximately 10-12 pounds)
  • 4 tbsp kosher salt
  • 4 tbsp coarse ground black pepper
  • 2 tbsp Paprika
  • 2 tbsp Garlic powder
  • 2 tbsp Onion powder
  • 1 tbsp cayenne pepper (adjust for preferred heat)
  • 1 cup beef broth or water
  • Wood chunks or chips (hickory or oak work well for brisket)


Prepare the Brisket

  • Start by trimming the excess fat from the brisket, leaving about 1/4 inch of fat on the surface. Trimming helps the seasoning penetrate the meat and ensures even cooking.
  • In a bowl, mix together the kosher salt, black pepper, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and cayenne pepper to create your brisket rub.
  • Generously season the brisket with the rub, ensuring all sides are well coated. Use your hands to press the rub into the meat for better adherence. Let the seasoned brisket sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes while you prepare the Pit Barrel Cooker.

Prepare the Pit Barrel Cooker

  • Fill the charcoal chimney starter with charcoal briquettes and light them until they're ashed over. Once ready, carefully pour them into the Pit Barrel Cooker charcoal basket.
  • Add a few chunks of wood (hickory or oak) to the hot coals for that smoky flavor infusion.
  • Assemble your Pit Barrel Cooker according to the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring proper vent settings for optimal airflow.
  • Place the brisket on the grill grate inside the Pit Barrel Cooker.

Smoke and Cook

  • Close the lid and let the Pit Barrel Cooker work its magic. The beauty of this cooker is its "set it and forget it" nature. You won't need to constantly monitor the temperature; the Pit Barrel Cooker maintains consistent heat for you.
  • Smoke the brisket at around 250-275°F for about 1.5 hours per pound of meat, or until the internal temperature reaches 195-205°F. Use a meat thermometer to monitor the progress.
  • Once the brisket reaches the desired temperature, remove it from the Pit Barrel Cooker, and wrap it in heavy-duty foil. Let it rest for at least 30 minutes to allow the juices to redistribute.

Slicing and Serving

  • Unwrap the brisket, and with a sharp knife, slice it against the grain into thin, succulent pieces.
  • Serve your Pit Barrel Cooker brisket with your favorite BBQ sauce, coleslaw, pickles, and buns for the ultimate BBQ sandwich, or enjoy it on its own.
Keyword brisket, pit barrel cooker brisket

About the author 

CJ Ferrara

CJ Ferrara is a BBQ enthusiast, who shares his passion for grilling and smoking meats with the readers of Smoky Beginnings. When he isn't grilling, smoking meat, or writing BBQ-focused articles you can catch him spending time with his family and enjoying a sporting event.

Find out more about CJ on our About Us page

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