The Ultimate Guide to Smoking Pork Tenderloin Wrapped in Bacon

Smoking pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon is a surefire way to impress your guests and delight your taste buds. The combination of succulent pork and crispy, salty bacon is simply irresistible.

But if you’ve never smoked meat before, the thought of preparing a pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon might seem daunting. That’s where this ultimate guide comes in.

In this post, we’ll walk you through the steps of choosing the right cuts of meat, trimming and seasoning the pork tenderloin, wrapping it in bacon, and smoking it to perfection. Whether you’re an experienced smoker or a beginner, you’ll find valuable tips and tricks in this comprehensive guide.

So, let’s get started!

What is Pork Tenderloin?

Pork tenderloin is a lean, tender piece of meat that comes from the muscle that runs along the backbone of the pig. It’s low in fat and high in protein, making it a healthy and delicious choice for your next meal. When smoked, pork tenderloin takes on a rich, smoky flavor that pairs perfectly with crispy bacon.

Why Wrap it in Bacon?

Wrapping a pork tenderloin in bacon has several benefits. First, bacon adds a layer of flavor to the pork, infusing it with smokiness and saltiness. Second, the bacon helps to keep the pork moist during the smoking process, preventing it from drying out.

Finally, the bacon creates a beautiful, crispy crust on the outside of the meat that adds texture and visual appeal to your dish.

What to Expect from This Guide

In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know to smoke a pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon. We’ll start by discussing how to choose the right cuts of meat and prepare them for smoking.

Then, we’ll walk you through the process of wrapping the pork tenderloin in bacon and smoking it to perfection.

Along the way, we’ll share helpful tips and tricks to ensure that your pork tenderloin is tender, flavorful, and perfectly cooked. So, let’s get started!

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Mastering the Art of Smoking Pork Tenderloin: Choosing the Perfect Cut for Your Smoky Delight

The first step in smoking a pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon is choosing the right cut of meat.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Fresh vs. Frozen: Whenever possible, choose fresh pork tenderloin over frozen. Fresh meat has a better texture and flavor than frozen meat. If you must use frozen meat, be sure to thaw it completely before smoking.
  • Size and Weight Considerations: Pork tenderloin typically weighs between 1 and 1.5 pounds. Choose a tenderloin that is uniform in size and shape, with a consistent thickness throughout. This will help ensure that the meat cooks evenly.
  • Trimming and Seasoning Tips: Before smoking the pork tenderloin, trim any excess fat or silver skin from the meat. Then, season the pork with your favorite dry rub or marinade. Be sure to let the meat marinate for at least an hour (or overnight) before smoking to allow the flavors to penetrate the meat.
smoking pork tenderloin bacon wrapped on the cutting board

Preparing the Perfect Bacon for Smoking Pork Tenderloin: Essential Tips and Techniques

Choosing the right bacon is key to achieving a delicious pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Choosing the Right Type of Bacon: When selecting bacon, look for thick-cut bacon with a high fat content. The fat will render during cooking, creating a crisp crust on the outside of the pork tenderloin.
  • Cooking Methods and Preparation: There are several ways to prepare bacon for wrapping a pork tenderloin. You can cook the bacon in a skillet on the stovetop until it’s partially cooked, but still pliable. Alternatively, you can partially cook the bacon in the oven (at 350°F for about 10 minutes) before wrapping the pork tenderloin.
  • How to Ensure Crispy Bacon: To ensure that the bacon is crispy after smoking, be sure to wrap it tightly around the pork tenderloin. You can also brush the bacon with honey or maple syrup before smoking to encourage browning.
smoking pork tenderloin how to wrap

Enhancing Flavor and Moisture: Smoking Pork Tenderloin Wrapped in Bacon

Now that you’ve prepared your pork tenderloin and bacon, it’s time to wrap the pork in bacon.

Here’s how:

  • Techniques for Wrapping the Bacon: Lay the bacon strips out on a cutting board, slightly overlapping each other. Place the pork tenderloin on top of the bacon and wrap the bacon around the meat, tucking the ends of the bacon underneath the pork. You can also weave the bacon into a lattice pattern for an extra-fancy presentation.
  • Securing the Bacon with Toothpicks or Kitchen Twine: To prevent the bacon from unraveling during smoking, secure it with toothpicks or kitchen twine. Insert the toothpicks or tie the twine at regular intervals along the length of the pork tenderloin.
  • How to Prevent the Bacon from Falling Off During Cooking: To prevent the bacon from falling off the pork tenderloin during cooking, be sure to wrap it tightly around the meat. You can also use toothpicks or kitchen twine to keep the bacon in place.
smoking pork tenderloin on the smoker

Smoking Pork Tenderloin

Now it’s time to smoke your pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon to perfection. 

Here are some tips to ensure that your meat is tender, juicy, and full of smoky flavor:

Smoking Pork Tenderloin: The crucial Step of Resting

After smoking your delectable bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin to perfection, it's essential to allow it to rest before slicing and serving. This crucial step ensures optimal flavor and juiciness throughout the meat.

Let's explore why resting is important, how to determine when the pork is ready, and some tips on slicing and serving techniques.

Why Resting is Important

Resting the pork tenderloin allows the juices to redistribute evenly throughout the meat. During the smoking process, the heat causes the juices to move towards the center. Resting helps the juices to settle back, resulting in a more tender and flavorful pork tenderloin.

It also gives the meat time to relax, making it easier to slice without losing moisture.

How to Determine When the Pork is Ready

To ensure that the pork tenderloin is properly rested, follow these guidelines:

  • Timing: Allow the pork tenderloin to rest for about 10 to 15 minutes after removing it from the smoker. This resting period gives the meat ample time to reabsorb the juices and reach its optimal texture.
  • Internal Temperature: Use a meat thermometer to verify that the pork tenderloin has reached the desired internal temperature before resting. It should reach a minimum of 145°F (63°C) to ensure safe consumption.

Slicing and Serving Techniques

When it comes to slicing and serving your smoked pork tenderloin, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Cutting Against the Grain: To ensure tenderness, slice the pork tenderloin against the grain. This means cutting perpendicular to the muscle fibers. Cutting against the grain shortens the fibers, resulting in a more tender bite.
  • Thin Slices: For optimal texture and tenderness, slice the pork tenderloin into thin slices. This allows the flavors to mingle and ensures that each slice is easy to bite and chew.
  • Presentation: Arrange the sliced pork tenderloin on a platter or individual plates, creating an appealing presentation. Consider garnishing with fresh herbs or serving alongside complementary sides to enhance the overall visual appeal and flavor experience.

By following these resting, slicing, and serving techniques, you'll be able to enjoy a succulent and flavorful bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin that will impress your guests and leave them craving more.

smoking pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How long does it take to smoke a bacon-wrapped tenderloin?

A: The smoking time for a bacon-wrapped tenderloin can vary depending on factors like the thickness of the meat and the temperature of the smoker. On average, it takes about 1.5 to 2 hours to smoke a bacon-wrapped tenderloin to reach the desired internal temperature.

Q: How long to smoke a pork tenderloin at 225 degrees?

A: Smoking a pork tenderloin at 225 degrees Fahrenheit typically takes around 2 to 3 hours. However, it's important to use a meat thermometer to determine the exact cooking time and ensure the internal temperature reaches a safe minimum of 145°F.

Q: How do you keep pork tenderloin moist when smoking?

A: To keep pork tenderloin moist when smoking, consider brining it beforehand. Brining involves soaking the meat in a mixture of water, salt, sugar, and optional flavorings, which helps retain moisture during the smoking process. Additionally, wrapping the tenderloin in bacon adds extra moisture and flavor.

Q: Will bacon get crispy in a smoker?

A: Yes, bacon can become crispy when smoked in a smoker. The combination of low and slow cooking in a smoker helps render the fat and crisp up the bacon slices. However, the crispiness may vary depending on factors like the thickness of the bacon, cooking time, and personal preference.

Q: What is the best temperature to smoke bacon at?

A: The ideal temperature to smoke bacon is around 200 to 225 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range allows the bacon to slowly cook, develop smoky flavors, and achieve the desired texture. It's important to monitor the bacon closely to prevent it from becoming overly crispy or burnt.

The Ultimate Guide to Smoking Pork Tenderloin Wrapped in Bacon Conclusion

In conclusion, "The Ultimate Guide to Smoking Pork Tenderloin Wrapped in Bacon" has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of this mouthwatering dish.

Let's recap the key points covered in this guide and leave you with some final thoughts.

Selecting the right pork tenderloin

Throughout this guide, we explored the process of creating a sensational bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin that is infused with smoky flavors and offers a delightful combination of tenderness and richness. We began by understanding the importance of selecting the right pork tenderloin, considering factors such as freshness, size, and trimming techniques. We then delved into the art of preparing the bacon, ensuring it is cooked to perfection and adding an extra layer of deliciousness.

Cooking process

Next, we learned various techniques for wrapping the pork tenderloin with bacon, securing it with toothpicks or kitchen twine to prevent any mishaps during the cooking process. We also provided guidance on smoking the tenderloin, including tips on wood chip selection, temperature control, and ways to enhance the flavor profile.

The significance of resting the pork tenderloin was emphasized, allowing the meat to reabsorb its juices and maximize tenderness.

Additionally, we shared insights on determining when the pork is ready for slicing, ensuring it reaches the desired internal temperature. Lastly, we explored slicing and serving techniques that elevate the overall presentation and enjoyment of this delectable dish.

Experiment and customize this recipe

As you embark on your own bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin smoking adventures, remember to experiment and customize the recipe to suit your preferences. Feel free to explore different flavors, seasonings, and wood chip combinations to create unique variations that will amaze your taste buds.

In conclusion, smoking pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon offers a gratifying culinary experience that impresses both friends and family.

The combination of tender pork, smoky bacon, and your personal touch will create a truly memorable dish. So, don your apron, fire up the smoker, and let your creativity soar as you savor the delectable flavors of this remarkable culinary masterpiece.

Happy smoking!

Make sure to comeback to as we are continuously adding new recipes and tips to the site.

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About the author 

CJ Ferrara

CJ Ferrara is a BBQ enthusiast, who shares his passion for grilling and smoking meats with the readers of Smoky Beginnings. When he isn't grilling, smoking meat, or writing BBQ-focused articles you can catch him spending time with his family and enjoying a sporting event.

Find out more about CJ on our About Us page

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