Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs Recipe

The Leftover Blues Slayer: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs!

Ugh, that feeling. You open the fridge after dinner, and there they are – the usual suspects: a lonely onion, some leftover ground beef, and maybe a few stray bacon slices. It's like the fridge is mocking you – "Dinner disaster zone, comin' right up!" But wait! Before you toss those ingredients and order takeout, let me introduce you to your new hero: the Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bomb!

From Leftovers to Legendary

This recipe might sound fancy with its "stuffed" and "bombs" talk, but trust me, it's surprisingly easy and perfect for those nights when inspiration seems as scarce as fresh groceries. We're about to transform those fridge leftovers into something seriously awesome – a flavor explosion waiting to happen!

Flavor Explosion in Every Bite

Imagine this: we'll take those onions, hollow them out a bit like little bowls, and then fill them with a delicious ground beef mixture. Next comes the best part (well, maybe besides devouring the finished product) – wrapping the whole thing in crispy, smoky bacon!  These "Bacon Wrapped onion bombs" can be cooked on a smoker for that campfire-y, smoky goodness, or even on a grill if you don't have a smoker. 

Just picture it: juicy ground beef nestled in a bed of caramelized sweet onions, all wrapped up in crispy bacon.

Sounds pretty darn good, right?  

Well, it gets better!  This Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bomb recipe is a lifesaver for those leftover blues nights, and it's guaranteed to impress your taste buds (and maybe even your family and friends!).  

In this blog post, you'll learn:

  • How to pick the perfect onions for stuffing.
  • How to hollow out the onions without making a mess.
  • How to make a delicious and flavorful ground beef filling.
  • The secret to getting perfectly crispy bacon on your bombs.
  • How to use a smoker (or even a grill!) to cook your bombs to smoky perfection.
  • Tips and tricks to make sure your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs come out delicious every time!

So ditch the takeout menus and the fridge frustration.  With this delicious recipe, you'll be a leftover-slaying hero in no time!  Get ready to turn those sad ingredients into a flavor explosion with Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs!  

What is a Stuffed Onion Bomb

The term "onion bomb" might conjure images of a tear-inducing explosion in the kitchen, but fear not! In the world of delicious food, an onion bomb is anything but a disaster. It's a creative and tasty dish that transforms the humble onion into a flavor powerhouse. 

More Than Just a Stuffed Onion

At its core, an onion bomb is exactly what it sounds like – an onion that's been hollowed out and stuffed with a delicious filling. The onion itself acts as a natural bowl, caramelizing slightly as it cooks and adding a touch of sweetness to the dish. But the real star of the show is the filling!

A Universe of Flavorful Fillings

The beauty of the onion bomb lies in its versatility. The filling can be anything from a classic ground beef mixture to a vegetarian medley of vegetables and cheese. Sausage, chicken, or even a plant-based alternative can be the star of the show, depending on your taste and dietary preferences. 

The filling is typically seasoned with a variety of herbs and spices, creating a flavor explosion in every bite. Once the onion is stuffed, it gets wrapped in a blanket of crispy bacon, adding a salty and smoky element to the dish. 

Cooking Up a Flavor Bomb

These little flavor bombs can be cooked in a variety of ways. Smoking them imparts a delicious campfire-y flavor, while grilling offers a quicker and easier option. Regardless of the cooking method, the end result is a juicy, flavorful, and visually appealing dish that's perfect for a casual gathering or a fun weeknight meal.

From Leftovers to Culinary Adventure

So next time you find yourself staring into the fridge with a leftover onion and some ground beef, don't despair! Embrace your inner culinary adventurer and create an onion bomb. You'll be surprised at how a few simple ingredients can be transformed into a flavor explosion that will leave your taste buds singing! 

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Picking the Perfect Onion for Stuffing

The humble onion is a workhorse in the kitchen, but when it comes to stuffing, selecting the right variety can elevate your dish from good to great.  

Here's how to pick the perfect onion champion for your stuffing masterpiece:

Sweetness Spectrum: Striking the Right Balance

Stuffing is a symphony of flavors and textures, and the onion plays a crucial role. You want an onion with a balance of sweetness to complement the savory elements of your stuffing.

Here are some popular choices:

  • Sweet Onions: The reigning champions! Vidalia and Walla Walla onions are known for their naturally sweet flavor. They caramelize beautifully when cooked, adding a touch of sweetness without overpowering the other ingredients.
  • Yellow Onions:  The all-around workhorses, yellow onions offer a good balance of sweetness and sharpness. They're a versatile choice, especially if you're looking for a more pronounced onion flavor.
  • White Onions: These onions have a slightly sharper bite compared to sweet onions. They're a good option if you want a subtle onion presence and prefer the sweetness to come from other ingredients like bread or fruit.

Freshness is Key: Selecting a Ripening Champion

Just like any other ingredient, freshness matters when it comes to onions. Look for onions that are firm to the touch, with dry, papery skin. Avoid onions with soft spots, mold, or blemishes. 

The Final Choice: Personal Preference Reigns Supreme

Ultimately, the best onion for your stuffing is the one that suits your taste. Experiment with different varieties and chop sizes to discover your perfect flavor profile. Remember, there's no single "correct" onion – the key is to find the one that complements your stuffing recipe and your personal preferences. So grab your onion selection and get ready to create a stuffing masterpiece! 

stuffed onion bombs

Ingredients For A Killer BBQ Bacon Stuffed Onion Bombs Recipe

So we've ditched the dinner disaster zone and decided to create some epic Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs!  But before we get smokin' (or grillin'), we need to grab all the ingredients for this flavor explosion.  

Don't worry, this shopping list is super simple, and you might even have some of this stuff hanging out in your fridge already.  

The recipe ingredients include:

  • Onions (sweet Vidalia onions recommended)
  • Ground beef
  • Jalapenos (optional)
  • Barbecue rub
  • Bacon
  • BBQ sauce (sweet or savory)
  • Cubes of cheddar cheese
  • Bread Crumbs (optional)
  • Other seasonings (optional)

See?  A super simple shopping list for some seriously delicious Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs.  With all these ingredients in hand, we're just a few steps away from turning those fridge leftovers into a legendary meal.  So grab your grocery list, head to the store, and get ready to create some smoky, juicy, and flavor-packed goodness!  This recipe is about to become your new grilling (or smoking) go-to!  

stuffed onion bombs

Make Onion Bombs on the Smoker or Grill 

Alright, fridge forager turned grill master in training! We've gathered our ingredients for those epic Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs, and now it's time to decide: smoker or grill?  

Don't worry, this isn't a battle you can lose.  Both smokers and grills can create delicious Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs, it just depends on the flavor profile you're after and the equipment you have on hand. 

Smoker Showdown: The Low and Slow Route

If you have a smoker, get ready for some smoky goodness! Smokers cook food at a lower temperature for a longer time, which infuses that delicious campfire-y smoke flavor into everything. 

Setting up a smoker is pretty straightforward, even for beginners.  You'll need wood chips (applewood, hickory, or cherry wood work great) and some water to create smoke and steam.  

Then, just arrange your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs on the smoker grate and let the magic happen!

Grill Games: Quick and Easy Weeknight Win

Don't have a smoker?  No worries!  Your trusty grill can still be the hero of your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bomb adventure.  Grilling cooks food at a higher temperature for a shorter time, resulting in a more charred and caramelized flavor.  This can be just as delicious as the smoky route – think of it as a different kind of flavor explosion!  Just preheat your grill to medium heat, arrange those Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs, and get ready for some sizzling goodness. 

The Choice is Yours!

So, smoker showdown or grill games?  The choice is yours!  If you're looking for that deep, smoky flavor, the smoker is the way to go.  But if you're short on time or don't have a smoker, your grill will do the trick perfectly.  No matter which method you choose, you're just a few steps away from creating delicious and impressive Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs.  Get ready to fire up your grill (or smoker), because it's time to take your grilling (or smoking) skills to the next level!  

stuffed onion bombs

Mastering the Art of Prepping Your Base!

We've got our smoker or grill fired up and ready to go, but before we unleash the Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bomb magic, we need to prep our base – the onions!  This might sound intimidating, but fear not, because we're about to turn you into a certified Onion Ninja!

Sweet Onion Selection: The Foundation of Flavor

Let's talk onions.  For these Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs, we want to use sweet onions.  Why?  Because they're naturally sweeter than regular onions, which creates a perfect flavor balance with the savory ground beef filling.  Think of it like sweet and salty working together to create a flavor explosion in your mouth!  Vidalia onions are a great choice, but any sweet onion variety will work.

Sharpening Your Skills (Safely): Slicing and Dicing Like a Pro

Now, for the fun part – transforming those onions into edible bowls!  Here's where your inner Onion Ninja comes out.  Grab a sharp knife (always ask an adult for help if you're not comfortable using a knife!).  We'll carefully cut off the top and bottom of the onion, creating a flat surface.  Then, using that same sharp knife, we'll make a shallow cut around the top, leaving about an inch of onion attached at the bottom.  Carefully peel back the layers of the onion, kind of like peeling an orange.  Don't worry if it doesn't look perfect – nobody expects a master Ninja to be perfect on their first try!  

Hollowing Out the Onion: Creating Space for Flavor

Once you've peeled back the layers, it's time to hollow out the core of the onion.  Use a spoon or your fingers to gently scoop out the inside, leaving behind a thick onion "cup."  You can chop up the leftover onion and add it to your ground beef mixture for extra flavor – nothing goes to waste.

There you have it!  You've successfully prepped your onion base for those delicious Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs.  Remember, safety first when using knives, and don't worry if your onions aren't perfectly hollow.  As long as they can hold the filling, you're well on your way to becoming a grill master (and a certified Onion Ninja!).  Let's move on to the next step – creating that yummy ground beef filling! 

Ground Beef Bonanza

Alright, you've prepared your onions, and now it's time for the next step in this bacon wrapped onion bombs recipe – the Ground Beef!  

This is where things get exciting because we're about to mix up a delicious and savory filling that will be the heart of your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs.

Ground Beef Basics: The Foundation for Flavor

First up, the star of the show – the ground beef!  You can use regular ground beef, or if you're feeling adventurous ground chuck, ground turkey or even a plant-based ground "meat" alternative would work too.  No matter what you choose, make sure it's defrosted before you start mixing. 

Spice Up Your Life (But Not Too Much!): Seasoning Like a Pro

Now, let's add some flavor to the meat mixture!  Grab your favorite barbecue rub, or you can create your own with some brown sugar, paprika, garlic powder, and a pinch of cayenne pepper if you like things a little spicy (remember, go easy on the spice if you're cooking for younger taste buds!).  Mix the rub into the ground beef along with a splash of milk or water to help keep everything nice and moist.  Don't forget a sprinkle of salt and pepper for good measure!

Cheese Power! The Perfect Melty Addition

What's a delicious filling without some melty cheese goodness?  For these Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs, we recommend shredded cheddar cheese.  Trust me, the melty cheese mixed with the savory ground beef filling nestled inside those sweet onions is a flavor explosion waiting to happen!  Feel free to experiment with other cheeses too, like mozzarella or pepper jack, depending on your taste preferences.  Just make sure to shred the cheese before adding it to the mixture. 

Stuffing Your Creation: Time to Assemble!

Now comes the fun part – stuffing those prepped onion bowls with your delicious ground beef mixture!  Don't be shy, fill those onions up nice and tight (but not overflowing!).  You can even add a small pat of butter on top of the filling before wrapping them in bacon for an extra touch of richness. 

There you have it!  You've successfully created a savory and delicious filling for your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs.  Get ready, because we're about to take things to a whole new level with the next step – the crispy, smoky bacon wrap!

stuffed onion bombs

The Bacon Wrap: A Crispy and Flavorful Embrace for Your Stuffed onion Bombs!

Alright, we've prepped our onion bases, created a delicious filling, and now it's time for the pièce de résistance – the Bacon Wrap!  This is where your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs truly become legendary because that crispy, smoky bacon adds a whole new layer of flavor and texture.

Choosing Your Bacon Weapon: Selecting the Perfect Strips

When it comes to crafting the perfect Bacon Wrapped onion bombs recipe, the bacon you choose is like a smoky hug for your delicious filling.  Forget weapons – we're talking flavor! Thick-cut, thin-cut, or even peppered bacon, the choice is yours! Just make sure you have enough slices to comfortably wrap around your onion creations.

The Art of the Wrap: Securing Flavor and Preventing Disaster

Now, let's get to the fun part – the smoky wrap! Lay a single piece of bacon flat on your work surface. Carefully pick up your stuffed onion and place it on its side, nestled in the center of the bacon. Gently fold the sides of the bacon up and over the onion, like a little gift being wrapped. Depending on the size of your onion and bacon, you might need to use two or even three slices to completely encase it in smoky goodness. Don't worry about achieving perfection – a little artistic license is not only encouraged, it's part of the fun! 

Securing the Bacon Seal: Toothpicks to the Rescue!

Here's a tip to prevent your precious bacon from unwrapping during the cooking process: toothpicks!  Simply, insert a toothpick through the side of the bacon and secure it into the sides of the onion.  Think of it like a tiny flag holding everything in place.  

Preventing Bacon Burn: A Balancing Act

Bacon is delicious, but it can burn easily.  To prevent your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs from turning into charcoal bombs (not the good kind!), here's a trick: if you're using a smoker, keep the temperature on the lower side (around 225°F).  If you're grilling, cook them over indirect heat to avoid burning the bacon too quickly.  We want crispy, not charred!

There you have it!  You've successfully wrapped your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs in a delicious and crispy bacon embrace.  Now, get ready to cook them to smoky or juicy perfection in the next step!  Remember, a little patience and these beauties will be ready to devour in no time.

Cooking Your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs to Perfection!

Now you've prepped your ingredients, assembled your masterpieces, and now it's time for the next step – cooking your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs to smokin' hot (or grillin' good!) perfection! 

Smoker Showdown: Low and Slow for Smoky Bliss

If you opted for the smoker, get ready for some serious smoky magic!  Place your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs on the smoker grate, leaving a little space between them for good air circulation.  Sprinkle some wood chips (applewood, hickory or cherry work great) on the smoker tray for that extra smoky flavor.  Then, close the lid and let the smoker work its magic. Smoker cooking times can vary depending on the size of your bombs, but they'll typically take about 2-3 hours to cook through.  The internal temperature of the ground beef should reach 160°F for safety.  

Grill Games: Quick and Easy Weeknight Win

Going the grill route?  No problem!  Preheat your grill to medium heat (around 350°F).  Arrange your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs on the grill, leaving some space between them.  Cook them for about 20-25 minutes, turning them occasionally, until the bacon is crispy and the internal temperature of the ground beef reaches 160°F. You can also add a little extra smoky flavor to your grilled bombs by using a smoker box filled with wood chips on your grill. 

Pro Tip: The Peek Test

No fancy thermometer?  No worries!  Here's a quick and easy way to check if your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs are cooked through.  Use a knife to carefully peek into the center of the filling.  If the juices run clear, they're done!  If the juices are still pink, give them a little more cooking time. 

There you have it!  You've successfully cooked your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs to juicy perfection (or smoky goodness, depending on your method).  

Now, the hardest part – waiting a few minutes for them to cool down before you devour them!  Remember, patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to these flavor explosions waiting to happen.

Resting and Serving Your Stuffed Onion Bombs

Don't rush to devour your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs just yet! After removing them from the smoker or grill, let them rest for 5-10 minutes. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the filling, resulting in a more moist and flavorful bite. 

Now comes the fun part – serving!  These beauties pair perfectly with a variety of sides. Classic options include creamy mashed potatoes, coleslaw, or baked beans. If you're looking for something lighter, try a fresh side salad or grilled vegetables. Don't forget a dollop of your favorite barbecue sauce or sour cream for dipping!  Get ready to impress your family and friends with these delicious and impressive Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs.

Bombastic Bonus Tips!

Alright, we've got the basics down for making these epic Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs, but let's take things a step further with some super cool tips and tricks!  

First up, the onions – we mentioned sweet Vidalia onions are the way to go.  Why?

Skip the Binders: Let the Beef Do the Work

Next, when we're mixing up that delicious filling, forget about breadcrumbs or any other binders.  They might sound helpful, but trust me, they're not necessary.  The ground beef will cook down and become nice and sticky on its own, holding everything together perfectly.  Plus, no breadcrumbs means less mushy mess – that's a win-win! Also, remember that we aren't making a meatloaf.

Mastering the Bacon Wrap: Overlapping for Smoky Perfection

Now, let's talk bacon.  Because, let's be honest, bacon is pretty much the best part of anything, right?  To get that perfect crispy layer on your bombs, make sure you overlap the bacon slices as you wrap them around the onion.  This way, you won't have any gaps where the smoky goodness can escape (and let's face it, nobody wants that!).  Plus, overlapping gives you more bacon coverage, which is never a bad thing!

Adventure Awaits: Stuffing with Extra Goodies

Feeling adventurous?  Throw in some extra goodies to your filling!  Diced peppers, chopped mushrooms, or even a sprinkle of your favorite cheese would all be delicious additions.  Just remember not to go overboard – you still want the main flavor to be that yummy onion and beef combo.

Saucy Secrets: Experiment with Flavor

Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with different types of barbecue sauce!  The recipe suggests a sweet or savory option, but the world is your oyster (or should I say, onion?).  Try a smoky chipotle sauce, a tangy mustard sauce, or even a pineapple teriyaki glaze for a fun twist.  The possibilities are endless!

So there you have it, my bombastic bonus tips!

Conclusion to how to make bacon wrapped Stuffed onion bombs

We've reached the grand finale – it's time to devour these delicious Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs!  We started with what might have been a fridge full of leftover blues, but now we've transformed those sad ingredients into a flavor explosion.  Imagine juicy ground beef nestled in a bed of caramelized sweet onions, all wrapped in crispy, smoky bacon.  Topped with your favorite barbecue sauce and melty cheddar cheese, these bombs are a guaranteed crowd-pleaser!

Beginner-Friendly Flavor Explosion

The best part?  This recipe is surprisingly easy to follow, even for beginners.  We've walked you through every step, from selecting the perfect onions to achieving that smoke-kissed perfection.  So, ditch the takeout menus and give these Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs a try!  I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

Get Inspired: Video, Website, and Community

Want to see the recipe come to life?  Head over to my YouTube channel, Smokey Beginnings, and check out the video for this recipe!  While you're there, don't forget to subscribe for more awesome grilling and smoking inspiration.  You can also find the full written recipe with exact measurements and additional tips on my website, [insert website address here].  Leave a comment below the video or on the website and let me know how your Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs turned out!  Did you add any extra goodies to the filling?  What kind of barbecue sauce did you use?  I love hearing your cooking adventures, so don't be shy!

Fire Up the Grill (or Smoker) and Impress!

Now that you're armed with this recipe and these bonus tips, it's time to get grilling (or smoking)!  Fire up your smoker, grab your favorite sides, and get ready to impress your friends and family with these flavor-packed bombs.  Happy grilling!

Make sure to comeback to as we are continuously adding new recipes and tips to the site.

bacon wrapped Stuffed onion bombs recipe

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What are onion bombs made of?

A: Onion bombs are delicious bundles of flavor made with hollowed-out onions stuffed with a savory filling (often ground beef) and wrapped in crispy bacon. They can be cooked on a smoker for a smoky taste or grilled for a quicker option.

Q: Why do soldiers eat onions?

A: There isn't a single definitive reason why soldiers might eat onions. Onions are a portable and shelf-stable source of vitamin C, which can be helpful to prevent scurvy. Additionally, onions may have been used as a natural antiseptic or to mask unpleasant odors. However, modern military rations typically provide a more balanced and nutritious diet. 

Q: What are the cry-proof onions?

A: There are no truly cry-proof onions, but some varieties have a lower sulfur content, which is the main culprit behind tear-inducing fumes.  Vidalia and Walla Walla onions are known for their sweetness and milder flavor, resulting in less eye irritation when chopping. 

Q: What does onion powder do to meat?

A: Onion powder adds a concentrated onion flavor to meat without the moisture content of fresh onions. This can be helpful for dishes like burgers or meatballs where you want a strong onion taste without affecting the texture.

Q: What chemical makes onions hot?

A: Onions don't contain capsaicin, the compound that makes chili peppers hot. Instead, onions contain sulfenic acids. When you cut an onion, these acids are converted into volatile sulfur compounds that irritate the eyes.

Q: What do you call a studded onion?

A: A studded onion isn't a specific dish, but rather a technique.  Studding refers to inserting small pieces of something (often cloves or herbs) into another ingredient, like an onion.  This can be done for visual appeal or to infuse flavor. 

Q:  Can you nuke onions?

A: Technically, you can microwave onions, but it's not generally recommended. Microwaving can cause onions to become unevenly cooked and potentially release more of the eye-irritating sulfur compounds. Sautéing or roasting onions is a better option for achieving a more flavorful and pleasant result. 

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stuffed onion bombs

Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs Recipe

These Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs are a flavor explosion waiting to happen! They can be cooked on a smoker for a deep, smoky taste or grilled for a quicker and easier weeknight meal.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 3 hours
Total Time 3 hours 15 minutes
Course Appetizer, Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 6 people
Calories 550 kcal


  • 2 Large sweet onions (Vidalia or Walla Walla work well)
  • 1 lbs Ground beef (or ground turkey,
  • ½ cup Breadcrumbs
  • ¼ cup Chopped fresh parsley
  • ¼ cup Grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 tbsp Brown sugar
  • 1 tsp Paprika
  • ½ tsp Garlic powder
  • ¼ tsp Salt
  • ¼ tsp Black pepper
  • ¼ cup Milk (or water)
  • 10-12 slices Slices bacon (thick-cut, depending on your preference)
  • Toothpicks (optional)
  • Wood chips (applewood, hickory, or cherry, for smoker use)


  • Prep the Onions: Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C) for 5 minutes (optional). Slice off the top and bottom of the onions, creating a flat surface. Carefully peel back the layers of the onion, leaving the bottom inch attached. Use a spoon or your fingers to gently scoop out the center, leaving behind a thick onion "cup." If desired, place the onion halves on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes to soften slightly (optional).
  • Mix Up the Filling: In a large bowl, combine ground beef, breadcrumbs, parsley, cheese, brown sugar, paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Pour in the milk or water and mix well to combine.
  • Stuff Those Onions: Fill each onion "cup" with the ground beef mixture, pressing it in firmly without overpacking.
  • The Smoky Embrace: Lay a piece of bacon flat on your work surface. Place a stuffed onion on its side in the center of the bacon. Gently fold the sides of the bacon up and over the onion, like a gift being wrapped. Depending on the size of your onion and bacon, you might need to use two or three slices to completely wrap it. Secure the wrap with a toothpick if desired.
  • Smoker Showdown (Optional): If using a smoker, preheat it to 225°F (110°C). Arrange the Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs on the smoker grate, leaving space between them for good air circulation. Sprinkle wood chips on the smoker tray for smoky flavor. Smoke for 2-3 hours, or until the internal temperature of the ground beef reaches 160°F (71°C).
  • Grill Games (Optional): Preheat your grill to medium heat (around 350°F / 175°C). Arrange the Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs on the grill, leaving space between them. Cook for 20-25 minutes, turning occasionally, until the bacon is crispy and the internal temperature of the ground beef reaches 160°F (71°C). You can also add a smoker box filled with wood chips on your grill for extra smoky flavor.
  • Rest and Serve: Let the Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Onion Bombs rest for 5-10 minutes before serving. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the filling for a more flavorful bite. Serve with your favorite sides, like mashed potatoes, coleslaw, baked beans, a fresh salad, or grilled vegetables. Enjoy!


Keyword onion bombs, stuffed onion bombs, stuffed onion bombs recipe

About the author 

CJ Ferrara

CJ Ferrara is a BBQ enthusiast, who shares his passion for grilling and smoking meats with the readers of Smoky Beginnings. When he isn't grilling, smoking meat, or writing BBQ-focused articles you can catch him spending time with his family and enjoying a sporting event.

Find out more about CJ on our About Us page

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