Juicy Chicken Skewers With Spiedie Marinade

Throughout history, people from different cultures have enjoyed chicken skewers.

But now, we're taking this classic dish to a whole new level by adding delicious Italian flavors.

Imagine juicy chicken pieces, perfectly grilled and bursting with mouthwatering Italian tastes.

We achieve this by using a special marinade called Spiedie sauce. It's made with olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, and herbs like parsley, rosemary, and thyme.

This Spiedie sauce recipe brings out the best flavors in your chicken skewers.

But the fun doesn't stop there. To make your chicken skewers unforgettable, we'll guide you through how to make this homemade Spiedie sauce and marinating the chicken skewers overnight. This means letting it soak in the flavors for hours or overnight.

It's an important step that ensures every bite is filled with the deliciousness of the Spiedie sauce.

Once your chicken is marinated, it's time to grill it and experience the incredible flavors coming together. The smell will make your mouth water, anticipating the amazing taste that awaits you.

In our post, we'll provide you with easy-to-follow instructions on how to make these chicken skewers with Spiedie sauce . We'll share the secrets of the Spiedie marinade, give grilling tips, and offer expert advice to make your chicken skewers truly amazing.

Get ready to impress your friends and your taste buds with these Italian-flavored chicken skewers.

Why are Spiedies Called Spiedies?

The name "Spiedie" finds its roots in the Italian term "Spiedo," which refers to the traditional method of cooking meat on a kitchen cooking spit. 

Originally associated with lamb, Spiedies have evolved over time to include a wide variety of meats, including the beloved choice of succulent chicken.

While lamb Spiedies have a rich heritage, the versatility of this delightful dish has paved the way for chicken to take center stage. The tender and juicy nature of chicken makes it an excellent candidate for Spiedies, infusing them with a delectable flavor that is sure to please.

By marinating chicken in a tantalizing blend of Italian dressing, oil, vinegar, and aromatic spices, you can create a marinade that perfectly complements the chicken's delicate taste.

Once grilled to perfection, these chicken Spiedies become a culinary delight that captivates the senses and leaves a lasting impression.

So, whether you choose to savor the traditional lamb Spiedies or embrace the mouthwatering allure of chicken Spiedies, the joy of this dish knows no bounds.

Allow yourself to explore the versatility and flavors that Spiedies offer, as they continue to captivate food enthusiasts with their irresistible taste and ability to satisfy any palate.

What does Chicken Spiedie taste like?

Chicken Spiedies are renowned for their distinctive taste, which primarily comes from the marinade.

The marinade is a delightful blend of flavors, combining saltiness, garlicky notes, and a tangy kick. It consists of a mixture of oil, red vinegar, lemon juice, and a selection of aromatic spices.

If you've ever marinated chicken in Italian dressing, you'll find some similarities in flavor, but chicken Spiedies have their own unique characteristics.

Compared to Italian dressing, chicken Spiedies tend to be saltier, adding a savory depth to each bite. The garlic flavor in chicken Spiedies is stronger, adding an extra punch of deliciousness that enhances the overall taste experience.

When you sink your teeth into a Spiedie marinated chicken skewer, you'll be treated to a delightful combination of saltiness, tanginess, and the robustness of garlic.

It's a flavor profile that captures the essence of traditional Spiedies and sets them apart from other marinades.

So, if you're a fan of bold, garlicky flavors with a satisfying balance of saltiness and tang, you're in for a real treat with chicken Spiedies. Prepare to indulge in a culinary experience that is unique, flavorful, and utterly irresistible.

chicken skewers new york state fair spiedie sauce

The Spiedie Sauce Recipe: A Burst of Flavor

The marinade is the key to making incredibly tasty chicken skewers. Our Spiedie sauce recipe combines garlic, red wine vinegar, sugar, dried oregano, and olive oil. The garlic adds a savory flavor, while the vinegar gives it a tangy and slightly spicy taste.

Sugar helps to balance the flavors, and dried oregano and olive oil add aromatic and rich notes.

To make the Spiedie sauce, simply mix the garlic, vinegar,  sugar, dried oregano, and olive oil in a medium bowl.

Add salt and pepper to taste.

For even more flavor, you can let the marinade sit for a few hours or overnight to let the ingredients blend together.

Set some Spiedie sauce aside as it makes a terrific dressing that you can put on any salad.

How long is spiedie sauce good for?

Once you open a bottle of Spiedie marinade, you'll be thrilled to know that it has an impressive shelf life of several months when stored in the refrigerator.

However, it's highly unlikely that it will last that long in your household, especially if you're like me and find yourself making delicious Spiedies on a weekly basis!

The irresistible combination of flavors and the sheer enjoyment of indulging in these mouthwatering chicken skewers make it difficult to resist preparing them frequently.

So go ahead and savor the convenience of having a bottle of Spiedie marinade readily available in your fridge, ready to elevate your chicken to new heights of deliciousness week after week.

chicken skewers wooden skewer

Choosing the Chicken: Thighs for Tenderness

When it comes to making chicken skewers, using boneless, skinless chicken thighs is a great choice.

Unlike chicken breasts, thighs have more fat, which keeps the meat moist and tender when grilling. Thighs also have a richer flavor that goes well with the marinade.

However, if you have chicken breasts in the freezer or refrigerator already those will work just as well.

One negative of using chicken thighs is due to the fat of the meat they can be a little greasy when finished.

Anyways, to get the chicken ready, cut the thighs into long, thin strips, about 1"–1½" wide. This size helps the chicken cook evenly and makes it easy to put on the skewers.

You can usually get 2–3 strips from each thigh, depending on their size. Put the chicken strips in a sealable bag and add the marinade.

Close the bag tightly, removing any air, and shake it gently to coat the chicken.

Let it marinate for at least 20 minutes, or up to 1 day for even more flavor.

By choosing boneless, skinless chicken thighs and marinating them with the Spiedie sauce flavors, you'll have juicy and tasty chicken skewers that will impress your friends and family at your next barbecue.

Grilling Chicken Skewers: The Perfect Technique

Grilling the chicken skewers is a fantastic way to infuse them with a smoky flavor and achieve a delicious charred exterior. To ensure your grilling experience is a success, it's important to follow the right techniques.

Let's explore the steps to master the art of grilling chicken skewers.

First, you'll want to prepare your grill by ensuring it is heated to a medium-high temperature. This heat level allows for optimal cooking and creates those desirable grill marks that add visual appeal to your chicken skewers.

It is a preferable to use a two-zone fire setup. Where one side is hotter than the other. That way if there are any flare ups or temperature fluctuations you will be able to move the chicken skewers to the appropriate side and ensure that the chicken is evenly grilled.

Additionally, don't forget to oil the grill grate to prevent the chicken from sticking during the cooking process. 

chicken skewers on a charcoal grill

time to take the chicken Skewers out of the overnight marinade

Once your grill and chicken skewers are ready, it's time to take the chicken out of the Spiedie sauce marinade. Give the chicken pieces a gentle shake to remove any excess Spiedie sauce.

It's important to discard the excess marinade to avoid any potential cross-contamination during cooking.

Now, let's consider the type of skewers to use. You have two options: metal skewers or wooden skewers that have been soaked in water for at least 30 minutes.

Soaking wooden skewers helps prevent them from burning, ensuring the chicken remains securely threaded.

Next, thread the pieces of chicken onto each skewer, making sure they are evenly spaced. This even spacing ensures that the chicken cooks uniformly and allows for thorough heat distribution.

Before placing the chicken skewers on the grill, lightly sprinkle a little salt on the chicken.

This simple seasoning step enhances the natural flavors of the chicken and adds a touch of savory goodness.

Place the  chicken skewers on a preheated grill

Now, carefully place the chicken skewers on the preheated grill. Arrange them in a way that allows for easy flipping during the cooking process.

Grill the chicken skewers by periodically turning them to promote even cooking. As the chicken cooks, you'll notice it transforming into a gorgeous golden brown color, which adds to the overall appeal of the dish.

It usually takes around 8–10 minutes for the chicken to cook through, but it's important to keep an eye on its doneness.

To ensure the chicken is fully cooked, check that it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C).

Carefully Remove the chicken skewers from the grill

Once the chicken skewers are perfectly cooked, carefully remove them from the grill and get ready to savor the delightful results of your grilling expertise.

The smoky flavors and appetizing char on the chicken will undoubtedly impress your taste buds and leave you wanting more.

Grilling chicken skewers requires attention to detail and proper technique, but the final outcome is truly worth it.

So fire up that grill, follow these steps, and indulge in the mouthwatering flavors of expertly grilled chicken skewers.

The Perfect Pairing: Salad with a Twist

Enhancing your meal with a refreshing side dish is the perfect way to complete the chicken skewer experience. We have a delightful salad suggestion that adds a unique twist to the overall flavor profile.

Let's dive into this simple yet flavorful salad recipe.

Start by adding a twist to this salad

To begin, we'll start by adding a twist to the salad by incorporating grilled sweet onions. Slice the sweet onions and drizzle them with a bit of oil. Then, carefully grill the onions until they achieve a beautiful brown color on both sides.

The grilling process adds a smoky depth to the onions, enhancing their natural sweetness and infusing them with a hint of charred goodness.

In a large bowl, combine the grilled onions with juicy beefsteak tomatoes, which provide a burst of freshness and a vibrant color to the salad.

The combination of sweet onions and robust tomatoes creates a harmonious balance of flavors.

Bringing all of the flavors together

Now, let's bring it all together by adding a couple of splashes of the reserved dressing. This dressing could be the same Spiedie sauce used for the chicken skewers or a complementary vinaigrette of your choice. 

The dressing will add a tangy and flavorful element that ties the salad ingredients together.

Toss everything together gently to ensure that the salad is evenly coated with the dressing.

This step ensures that each bite of the salad is infused with the delightful flavors of the grilled onions, juicy tomatoes, and the dressing.

Lastly, season the salad with salt and pepper according to your taste preferences. This step helps to bring out the flavors of the ingredients and adds an extra layer of seasoning to the dish.

The result is a refreshing salad with a twist

The result is a refreshing salad with a twist that perfectly complements the succulent chicken skewers.

The combination of the grilled onions, beefsteak tomatoes, and tangy dressing creates a harmonious balance of flavors that will elevate your meal to new heights.

Serve this salad alongside the chicken skewers for a complete and satisfying dining experience. 

The cool, crisp salad provides a refreshing contrast to the smoky and savory flavors of the skewers, creating a delightful combination that will leave your taste buds satisfied and your guests impressed.

Serving and Enjoying the Chicken Skewers

Once these succulent morsels of chicken skewers are cooked through on the grill, they are ready to be enjoyed in all their mouthwatering glory.

There's no need for utensils here; it's time to embrace the joy of eating with your hands and savor every flavorful bite.

  • Fresh Italian Bread: One popular way to enjoy these chicken skewers is by taking a slice of fresh Italian bread and wrapping it around the chicken on the skewer. This method is akin to using a potholder, allowing you to pull out all the chicken at once and relish in the immediate gratification of indulging in the tender, flavorful chicken.
  • Hoagie Rolls: For a heartier option, you can opt for a big hoagie roll filled with nothing but the juicy grilled chicken. The combination of the tender chicken and the soft, chewy hoagie roll creates a satisfying bite that will have your taste buds dancing with delight.
  • Hawaiian Rolls or Tortillas: Feeling adventurous? Switch up the serving style by using Hawaiian rolls or tortillas instead. The slightly sweet Hawaiian rolls add a touch of tropical flair to the dish, while tortillas offer a versatile and convenient option for creating flavorful chicken skewer wraps.

Regardless of the serving style you choose, remember that this dish is meant to be eaten with your hands.

Embrace the casual and warm atmosphere that comes with enjoying food in its purest form, allowing yourself to fully engage with the flavors and textures of the meal.

Let's Not Forget The Salad from the Previous Section

Oh, and let's not forget to mention that you have the option to add these delectable chicken skewers to the salad we discussed earlier. The tender grilled chicken, bursting with Italian-inspired flavors, will be a delightful addition to the salad, enhancing its overall taste and making it a well-rounded and satisfying meal.

So, get ready to dig in, grab a chicken skewer or two, and experience the joy of savoring these irresistible chicken skewers alongside a fresh bread wrap, a hearty hoagie roll, or even a fun twist with Hawaiian rolls or tortillas. The choice is yours, and the result will be a memorable and delicious dining experience.

Chicken Skewer Nutritional Information

For those who are mindful of their calorie intake and nutrition, having access to the nutritional information of the chicken skewers is valuable. Let's take a closer look at the breakdown of the essential nutritional components in each serving of this delectable dish.

How many calories are in chicken spiedie skewers?

In terms of calories, each serving of the chicken skewers contains approximately 610 calories. This information provides an understanding of the energy content in the dish.

The fat content in each serving amounts to 44g, with 8g of saturated fat. It's important to be mindful of saturated fat intake as part of a balanced diet.

The cholesterol content in the chicken skewers is 235mg per serving. It's worth noting that cholesterol is primarily found in animal-based products like meat and may need to be monitored for individuals with specific dietary concerns.

Key an eye on those carbs

In terms of carbohydrates, each serving of the chicken skewers contains 13g. Carbohydrates provide energy to the body and play a crucial role in various bodily functions.

For dietary fiber, each serving offers 2g. Dietary fiber is essential for digestive health and helps to promote a feeling of fullness.

The total sugar content in each serving is 8g. It's important to be mindful of sugar intake, especially when managing overall sugar consumption throughout the day.

Low in sodium content

On the positive side, the sodium content is relatively low, with just 230mg per serving. Keeping sodium intake moderate can be beneficial for maintaining overall health and managing blood pressure levels.

Understanding the nutritional information of the chicken skewers allows you to make informed choices based on your dietary preferences and requirements. Whether you're focused on calorie intake, macronutrient balance, or specific dietary considerations, this information provides a helpful guide when planning your meals.

Savor the Best: Juicy Chicken Skewers with Spiedie Marinade Conclusion

In conclusion, chicken skewers with our Spiedie sauce recipe offers a delightful twist on the traditional grilled chicken. The flavorful Spiedie sauce, made with a combination of lemon, vinegar, oil, aromatic herbs, and zesty spices, infuses the chicken thighs with an explosion of taste.

The tender and succulent chicken, coated in this mouthwatering Spiedie sauce, is then skillfully grilled to perfection, creating a harmonious balance of smoky, tangy, and savory flavors.

Beloved Staple In Southern and Central New York

These chicken skewers have become a beloved staple in countless households, highly regarded for their incredibly delicious flavor. The Spiedie sauce acts as a flavor enhancer, permeating the chicken skewers with its enticing aromas and enticing everyone around with its irresistible aroma. With each juicy bite, you'll experience a delightful combination of tender meat and the boldness of Italian flavors.

Whether you're hosting a lively summer barbecue, gathering with friends and family, or simply yearning for a flavorful meal, these chicken skewers are an excellent choice.

Irresistible Combination Of Flavors

Prepare to be amazed by the irresistible combination of flavors that will leave you yearning for more. These chicken skewers are guaranteed to satisfy your cravings and become a go-to recipe for any occasion.

So fire up the grill, savor the aroma as the chicken cooks, and indulge in the mouthwatering satisfaction of these Italian-inspired chicken skewers.

Make sure to comeback to SmokyBeginnings.com as we are continuously adding new recipes and tips to the site.

Happy grilling!

Chicken Skewers With Spiedie Marinade Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do you keep chicken moist when smoking?

A: To keep chicken moist when smoking, you can brine it beforehand to infuse flavor and retain moisture. Additionally, using a water pan in your smoker can help maintain humidity levels during the cooking process, preventing the chicken from drying out.

Q: What is the secret to smoked chicken?

A:The secret to smoked chicken lies in achieving a perfect balance of flavor and tenderness. This can be achieved by using a flavorful dry rub or marinade, maintaining a consistent cooking temperature, and ensuring the chicken is cooked to the appropriate internal temperature without overcooking it.

Q: Is it better to smoke chicken fast or slow?

A: It's generally better to smoke chicken at a lower temperature for a longer period of time. This slow smoking process allows the flavors to penetrate the meat and results in tender, juicy chicken with a delicious smoky flavor..

Q: How do you smoke a chicken for beginners?

A: For beginners, smoking chicken can be done by first preparing the chicken with a dry rub or marinade. Then, set up your smoker for indirect heat and maintain a consistent temperature of around 225-250°F. Place the chicken on the smoker rack and smoke until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F, typically taking 2-3 hours depending on the size of the chicken.

Q: Do you wrap a chicken when smoking?

A: Wrapping chicken during smoking is optional and depends on personal preference. Some people choose to wrap chicken in foil or butcher paper during the cooking process to help retain moisture and tenderness, while others prefer to leave it unwrapped for a firmer bark on the outside.

Q: Do you flip chicken when smoking?

A: Flipping chicken when smoking is not necessary, especially if you're using a smoker with consistent heat distribution. However, if you're cooking on a grill or smoker with uneven heat, you may choose to rotate the chicken halfway through the cooking process to ensure even cooking.

chicken skewers on a charcoal grill

Spiedie Sensation: Irresistible Chicken Skewers with Tangy Spiedie Sauce

Indulge in the Spiedie Sensation with our recipe for irresistible chicken skewers, infused with a tangy spiedie sauce. These grilled skewers are a true delight for your taste buds, featuring tender pieces of chicken marinated in a flavorful blend of herbs, spices, and our signature spiedie sauce. The tanginess of the sauce perfectly complements the succulent chicken, creating a harmony of flavors that will leave you craving more. With every bite, you'll experience the unique combination of smoky grilled goodness and the zesty kick of the spiedie sauce. These chicken skewers are a must-try for any grilling enthusiast, delivering a sensational culinary experience that will impress your family and friends.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 1 day 10 minutes
Course Side Dish


  • 1 cup Olive oil
  • ½ cup Red wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp Lemon juice
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 3 cloves Garlic, finely minced
  • 1 tsp Dried oregano
  • 2 tsp Garlic powder
  • 1 bunch Freshly minced parsley
  • 1 tbsp Dried basil
  • 1 tsp Black pepper
  • 2½ lbs Chicken breast (cut into 1″ chunks) or whole chicken


  • Whisk all ingredients in a large bowl, except chicken.
  • Pour marinade into a large gallon size freezer bag and add chicken pieces.
  • Refrigerate chicken at least 4 hours up to 24 hours.  The longer it soaks the more tender and flavorful the chicken gets.
  • Remove chicken from marinade
  • Place the marinated chicken onto either wooden or stainless steel skewers
  • Once chicken has cooked through serve as a sandwich


Keyword chicken skewers, chicken skewers with spiedie marinade, chicken spiedies

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About the author 

CJ Ferrara

CJ Ferrara is a BBQ enthusiast, who shares his passion for grilling and smoking meats with the readers of Smoky Beginnings. When he isn't grilling, smoking meat, or writing BBQ-focused articles you can catch him spending time with his family and enjoying a sporting event.

Find out more about CJ on our About Us page

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