Pit Barrel Cooker Smoked Burgers: The Best Burgers You’ll Ever Make at Home

In the world of outdoor cooking, the Pit Barrel Cooker stands as a symbol of exceptional flavor and innovation. While it's renowned for its ability to produce mouthwatering smoked meats, it's time to turn our attention to another culinary delight - burgers. In this article, we'll delve into the art of creating Pit Barrel Cooker smoked burgers that are bursting with smoky goodness and juiciness.

Get ready to elevate your grilling game to new heights.

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Elevating the Ordinary to Extraordinary: Pit Barrel Cooker Smoked Burgers Magic

When envisioning the perfect smoked burgers, the Pit Barrel Cooker may not be the first grilling tool that springs to mind. Yet, its distinctive design and remarkable smoking prowess have the power to transform the humble burger into a culinary masterpiece that defies convention. 

Picture this: each succulent bite infused with the captivating allure of smoky flavors, elevating an everyday meal into an extraordinary gastronomic delight.

A Juiciness Revelation

In the realm of burger grilling, preserving juiciness often poses a formidable challenge. But fear not, for the Pit Barrel Cooker emerges as the ultimate solution. Bid farewell to nagging concerns of dry or overcooked patties; with the Pit Barrel Cooker, your burgers are destined for a state of juicy perfection.

Incorporating the Pit Barrel Cooker's distinctive smoking technique into your burger grilling routine isn't merely a flavor-enhancing endeavor; it's a guarantee of mouthwatering succulence. This unorthodox approach will not only redefine your burger experience but also establish a new benchmark for burger excellence.

pit barrel cooker smoked burgers

The Essential Ingredients and Tools

Before we embark on our journey to Pit Barrel Cooker smoked burgers greatness, let's gather our essentials:


  • High-quality ground beef (80% lean, 20% fat for the juiciest results)
  • Burger buns
  • Salt and pepper
  • Your favorite burger toppings and condiments (lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese, ketchup, mayo, etc.)


  • Pit Barrel Cooker
  • Charcoal and wood chunks for smoking
  • Meat thermometer
  • Grill grate
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Crafting the Perfect Pit Barrel Cooker Smoked Burgers Patties

The Meat Matters

Embarking on the journey to the perfect smoked burgers starts with a crucial decision - the choice of meat. Opt for ground beef that strikes a harmonious balance between lean and fat content, with the golden ratio being 80% lean meat and 20% fat. It's this fat content that becomes the secret ingredient, infusing your smoked burgers with the luscious juiciness and rich flavor that dreams are made of.

The Pinnacle of Perfection: Shaping the Patties

With the right meat in hand, it's time to give it shape and purpose. Gently mold the meat into uniform patties, approximately 1 inch thick.

Here's a pro tip: avoid overworking the meat. Instead, embrace the art of gentle handling; it's the secret to ensuring your burgers turn out tender and succulent, bite after delicious bite.

Seasoning: The Flavorful Canvas

A canvas devoid of color is incomplete, and similarly, a burger without seasoning lacks character. Season your patties generously with the dynamic duo of salt and pepper, letting them work their magic.

But don't stop there; this is where your creativity can shine. Feel free to introduce your favorite seasonings or spices to the mix, painting a flavorful masterpiece that's uniquely yours. It's a personalized touch that elevates your burgers from ordinary to extraordinary.

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Smoking Burgers in the Pit Barrel Cooker

Preparing the Pit Barrel Cooker for Burger Bliss Assembling Your Pit Barrel Cooker

Before you embark on your burger-smoking adventure, ensure your Pit Barrel Cooker is ready to roll. Assemble it meticulously, adhering to the manufacturer's instructions. This essential step lays the foundation for the smoky burger masterpiece that's about to unfold.

Fueling the Fire

The heart of the Pit Barrel Cooker's magic lies in the coals and the smoky embrace of wood chunks or chips. Load the charcoal basket with charcoal, and generously scatter those wood chunks or chips for that signature smoky flavor that will define your burgers.

Igniting the Charcoal

With anticipation building, light the coals using a chimney starter. Wait patiently until they transform into a mesmerizing ashy white. Then, with a sense of culinary excitement, place the fully lit charcoal basket into the Pit Barrel Cooker. The stage is set for the smoking symphony to begin.

Creating the Perfect Smoking Environment

Achieving the ideal smoking temperature is a crucial orchestration in this culinary performance. Adjust the bottom and top vents of your Pit Barrel Cooker with precision, fine-tuning them until you reach a harmonious 275°F (135°C). This low and slow environment is where the magic happens, infusing your burgers with smoky goodness that will leave taste buds tingling with anticipation.

Introducing the Grill Grate

With the Pit Barrel Cooker's temperature dialed in, it's time to bring in the star of the show - the grill grate. Nestle it securely inside the cooker, and you're now ready to transform those burger patties into smoky works of art.

Grilling Burgers with Panache Burgers Meet Grill Grate

As the Pit Barrel Cooker reaches the desired smoking temperature, the moment of burger glory has arrived. Gently place your meticulously crafted burger patties onto the grill grate, and let the smoky waltz begin.

The Art of Smoking

Now comes the part that requires a dash of patience. Smoke those burgers with tenderness and care, allowing them to dance in the smoky embrace for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. To ensure perfection, employ the services of a trusty meat thermometer, confirming that the internal temperature of your burgers reaches a harmonious 160°F (71°C).

Searing in the Sizzle

If your burger fantasies include that coveted sear, don't fret; we've got you covered. For a delightful sear, consider a brief rendezvous with direct heat. This can be accomplished within the Pit Barrel Cooker or on a separate grill, adding that sizzling finale to your smoky burger opus.

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Pit Barrel Cooker Smoked Burgers: Elevating the Burger Experience

With anticipation reaching its zenith, you gingerly lift the lid of your Pit Barrel Cooker. As the veil of smoky secrets dissipates, an aroma so enticing it's almost palpable wafts through the air. Behold - your culinary masterpieces, the perfectly smoked burgers, emerge from their smoky cocoon. These are no ordinary burgers; they are a testament to your Pit Barrel Cooker prowess.

Burgers on the Stage of Excellence

With your smoked burgers in hand, it's time to craft the ultimate burger experience. Picture this: fresh burger buns, soft yet robust, forming the foundation of your creation. These buns are not just any buns; they are the canvas upon which your burger masterpiece will be painted.

Toppings and Condiments: The Symphony of Flavor

Now, the moment of customization. The toppings and condiments you choose are the soloists in this symphony of flavor. Will you opt for the classic crisp lettuce and ripe tomato? Perhaps some red onion for a touch of zing? Cheese, melted to perfection, to add a creamy crescendo? Bacon, because, well, everything's better with bacon.

The Culinary Crescendo

As you assemble your burger, each layer adds depth and complexity to the experience. The burger patty, infused with smoky allure and bursting with juiciness, takes center stage. Your chosen fixings, like instruments in an orchestra, harmonize to create a burger experience like no other.

The First Bite: A Symphony of Flavors

And now, that first bite. The moment your teeth sink into the burger, it's as if the conductor has directed the orchestra to play at full volume. The smokiness, the juiciness, and the savory embrace of the beef blend seamlessly with your chosen accompaniments. It's a culinary crescendo, a burger experience that transcends the ordinary, and it's all thanks to your Pit Barrel Cooker.

An Ovation of Flavor

With every subsequent bite, you savor the fruits of your labor. The flavors dance on your palate, and each mouthful is a standing ovation to your culinary artistry. This is the burger experience you've been dreaming of - the one that leaves an indelible mark on your taste memory.

The Encore, Please

As you savor the last bite of your Pit Barrel Cooker smoked burgers, you can't help but yearn for an encore. It's a meal that lingers in your memory, a flavor symphony that beckons you to the stage for one more performance. And with the Pit Barrel Cooker at your side, you're always ready to create burger magic, time and time again.

Pit Barrel Cooker Smoked Burgers Conclusion

In conclusion, the Pit Barrel Cooker is your gateway to a whole new dimension of burger excellence. While it's renowned for its ability to smoke meats to perfection, it's also a versatile wizard in the world of burgers. With this culinary powerhouse at your disposal, you can expect nothing short of burger brilliance.

A Culinary Transformation

What makes the Pit Barrel Cooker truly exceptional is its unique smoking prowess. It takes the ordinary and transforms it into the extraordinary. Your burgers cease to be mere patties; they become flavor-packed, tender, and kissed by the enchanting embrace of smokiness.

A Burger Experience Like No Other

The next time you gather friends and family for a cookout, surprise them with Pit Barrel Cooker burgers. Picture their faces as they take that first bite - eyes widening, taste buds rejoicing. It's a burger experience that defies expectations, leaving an indelible mark on all who savor it.

Don't Settle for Ordinary

Why settle for ordinary when you can achieve burger greatness with the Pit Barrel Cooker? It's a tool that empowers you to create culinary masterpieces, and it's not limited to smoking meats alone. So, the next time you fire up your Pit Barrel Cooker, consider the possibilities that go beyond the realm of the traditional barbecue. Explore, experiment, and elevate your burger game to a whole new level.

Unleash Your Inner Burger Maestro

In your hands, the Pit Barrel Cooker becomes a magic wand, and your burgers, the canvas for your culinary artistry. With its unique smoking capabilities, you'll orchestrate a symphony of flavors that will have everyone clamoring for seconds. The Pit Barrel Cooker isn't just a cooking tool; it's a ticket to burger stardom.

The World of Flavor Awaits

So, dear reader, as you embark on your burger adventures with the Pit Barrel Cooker, remember that the world of flavor is your oyster. Don't be content with the ordinary; aim for extraordinary. Let your imagination run wild, experiment with different woods for smoking, and discover the burger creations that will make you a legend in your grilling circle.

A Burger Revolution

In the end, it's not just about cooking burgers; it's about sparking a burger revolution. It's about challenging the status quo and redefining what's possible in the world of burgers. With the Pit Barrel Cooker by your side, every burger you create is a testament to your culinary prowess, a burger that will be remembered long after the last bite.

The Next Burger Masterpiece Awaits

So, what are you waiting for? The next burger masterpiece awaits. Fire up your Pit Barrel Cooker, gather your ingredients, and let your burger creativity flow. Your taste buds will thank you, and your guests will applaud you. The Pit Barrel Cooker isn't just a cooking tool; it's a culinary companion on your journey to burger greatness.

Make sure to comeback to SmokyBeginnings.com as we are continuously adding new recipes and tips to the site.

Pit Barrel Cooker Smoked Burgers FAQ

Q: How long does it take to smoke burgers at 225?

A: Smoking burgers at 225°F typically takes about 1 to 1.5 hours. However, the exact time may vary depending on the thickness of the burgers and your desired level of doneness.

Q: How long should you smoke burgers?

A: The ideal smoking time for burgers is around 1 to 1.5 hours at 225°F. This duration allows the burgers to absorb the smoky flavor without becoming overcooked.

Q: What temperature do you smoke burgers to?

A: To ensure food safety, it's recommended to smoke burgers until they reach an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C). This temperature ensures that the burgers are fully cooked and safe to eat.

Q; Are smoked burgers worth it?

A: Absolutely! Smoking burgers adds a unique depth of flavor and smokiness that you can't achieve through traditional grilling. The extra effort is well worth the incredibly delicious results.

Q: Why are smoked burgers pink inside?

A: Smoked burgers can appear pink inside due to the smoke's chemical reaction with the meat's myoglobin. This doesn't necessarily mean the burger is undercooked. As long as it reaches an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C), it's safe to eat.

Q: Are smoked burgers pink in the middle?

A: Yes, smoked burgers can have a pink or pinkish-red hue in the middle, even when fully cooked. This coloration is a result of the smoking process and doesn't indicate undercooked meat. Always use a meat thermometer to verify the internal temperature for safety.

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About the author 

CJ Ferrara

CJ Ferrara is a BBQ enthusiast, who shares his passion for grilling and smoking meats with the readers of Smoky Beginnings. When he isn't grilling, smoking meat, or writing BBQ-focused articles you can catch him spending time with his family and enjoying a sporting event.

Find out more about CJ on our About Us page

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