Pit Barrel Cooker Whole Fish Recipe: Your Ultimate Fish Feast

In the realm of culinary delights, the Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish stands as a remarkable testament to the fusion of flavor, tradition, and innovation. It's a dish that encapsulates the essence of outdoor cooking, tantalizing taste buds with its unique smoky aroma and succulent tenderness. As aficionados of this exquisite culinary art, we are here to guide you through the intricate process of preparing the perfect quick and easy Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish recipe, ensuring that your dining experience transcends the ordinary.

The Allure of Pit Barrel Cooker Whole Fish: A Time-Honored Culinary Tradition

A Dive into the Culinary Tradition

At its core, the Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish pays homage to the cherished tradition of open-fire cooking. This culinary practice dates back to ancient civilizations, where our ancestors prepared their meals over open flames, harnessing the primal forces of nature to infuse a distinctive and unparalleled flavor into their dishes. 

This culinary heritage is a powerful testament to our deep-rooted connection with the natural world, reflecting our innate desire to revel in the bounties it offers.

Unleashing Flavor Alchemy

The enchantment of this Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish recipe resides in its exceptional ability to metamorphose a simple fish into a gastronomic masterpiece. This transformation occurs as the fish is delicately suspended over the smoldering charcoal within the PBC, creating a mesmerizing convection effect. 

This unique process allows the fish's juices to gracefully circulate, permeating every fiber of the fish with a harmonious symphony of flavors. The end result is a tantalizing fusion of smokiness, tenderness, and succulence that artfully captivates the discerning palate, transcending the realm of ordinary culinary experiences.

Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish is not merely a dish; it's an embodiment of centuries-old culinary wisdom, a testament to the awe-inspiring potential of open-fire cooking, and a delectable journey that beckons you to partake in its rich history and unparalleled flavors.

Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish

The Art of Preparation: Elevating Your Pit Barrel Cooker Whole Fish

When embarking on the journey of creating the perfect Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish, the selection of the fish itself is the foundation of your culinary masterpiece. Opting for varieties such as salmon, trout, or snapper is paramount, as they boast a firm texture that can gracefully withstand the heat and smoky embrace of the Pit Barrel Cooker. The freshness of your chosen fish is equally crucial, ensuring that its flavors are able to reach the pinnacle of perfection.

Seasoning and Marination: Crafting Flavor Symphony

Now, let's delve into the heart of the matter—seasoning and marination. This is where the true alchemy begins. A harmonious blend of herbs, spices, and aromatic ingredients is your gateway to elevating the flavor profile of your Pit Barrel Cooker smoked whole fish. Think of ingredients like garlic, lemon, or lime zest, fragrant thyme, and a delicate touch of olive oil. Marinating the fish for an extended period, whether it's a few hours or overnight, is the key to creating a symphony of flavors that will enchant your taste buds and leave them dancing with delight. 

The marinating process takes maybe 5 min to prep. Pretty much all that you have to do is combine the ingredients and pour the marinade over the fish.

Mastering the Pit Barrel Cooker: The Culinary Secret Weapon

The Pit Barrel Cooker, with its ingeniously designed structure, is the clandestine hero in your quest for culinary perfection. This unique cooker allows you to unlock the full potential of your Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish recipe. The fish, artfully suspended on the hanger in the cooker, experiences an even distribution of heat, ensuring that every inch absorbs the intoxicating smokiness exuded by the charcoal. 

To attain culinary nirvana, maintaining a consistent temperature and meticulously monitoring the cooking time is crucial. This meticulous approach guarantees that the fish retains its delicate yet irresistibly flaky texture with crispy skin, setting the stage for an unparalleled gastronomic experience.

In the world of culinary craftsmanship, the journey of preparing a Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish is a captivating odyssey that celebrates the nuances of flavor, technique, and tradition. 

By carefully selecting the right fish, infusing it with a symphony of seasonings, and mastering the unique Pit Barrel Cooker, you will embark on a gastronomic voyage that transforms a simple fish into an extraordinary masterpiece.

Don't miss the opportunity to embark on this culinary adventure, where every step is an art form and every bite is a revelation.

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Preparing Your Whole Fish for Smoking: A Flavorful Journey

Before the enchanting dance of smoke and grill begins on your Pit Barrel Cooker, it's essential to prepare your Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish with care and precision. This crucial step sets the stage for the culinary masterpiece that will soon grace your table.

Let's dive into the art of preparing your whole fish for smoking, from slicing to stuffing, and everything in between. This would be the process if the whole fish wasn't prepared when it was purchased from the fish market.

Selecting the Right Tool

To commence this culinary adventure, arm yourself with a sharp, reliable fillet knife. Precision is key, and a well-sharpened tool ensures that your cuts are clean, allowing for even cooking and enhanced flavor infusion.

Cleaning and Gutting

Begin by rinsing your whole fish under cold running water. Pat it dry with paper towels. Next, lay the fish on a clean, flat surface. With your fillet knife, make a clean, precise incision along the belly, from the head to the tail, exposing the cavity inside. Be gentle and careful not to damage the delicate flesh.

Removing the Guts

With the cavity exposed, reach inside and gently remove the innards. This step is crucial for cleanliness and to prevent any unwanted bitterness in the flavor of your smoked fish. Rinse the cavity thoroughly to ensure it's free from any remaining debris.

Seasoning with Precision

Now, it's time to infuse your Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish with flavor. Generously season the inside of the cavity with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. These seasonings will not only enhance the taste but also contribute to the overall smoky ambiance during the smoking process. Don't forget to season both sides of the fish with the rub that you have made during prep time.

Stuffing the Cavity

To take your flavor game to the next level, consider stuffing the cavity with aromatic herbs and citrus slices. A fresh bunch of thyme, cilantro, rosemary, or dill, combined with lemon slices or orange slices, can elevate the taste profile of your smoked fish to new heights. This stuffing not only imparts a fragrant aroma but also infuses the fish with subtle, refreshing flavors that harmonize beautifully with the smokiness of the Pit Barrel Cooker.

Securing the Fish

Once you've seasoned and stuffed the cavity to your liking, use kitchen twine to securely truss the fish. This ensures that the stuffing remains inside during the smoking process and allows for even cooking.

With your Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish expertly prepared, it's now ready to take center stage on the smoker. The combination of precise slicing, careful stuffing, and meticulous seasoning guarantees a culinary experience that's nothing short of extraordinary.

So, light up your Pit Barrel Cooker, embrace the smoky symphony, and get ready to savor the perfectly prepared whole fish that awaits.

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Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish 3

Smoking Pit Barrel Cooker Whole Fish: A Culinary Symphony

When it comes to culinary artistry, few methods can rival the mouthwatering magic of smoking Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish. This time-honored technique takes seafood to new heights, infusing it with smoky goodness and an irresistible depth of flavor.

Let's dive into the tantalizing world of smoking fish on the Pit Barrel Cooker and unlock the secrets to this seafood sensation.

The Perfect Catch: Selecting Your Seafood

Before we delve into the smoking process, choosing the right seafood is paramount. Opt for varieties like salmon, trout, bass, or red snapper, known for their firm texture and ability to withstand the smoky embrace of the grill. Ensure that your seafood is impeccably fresh, a prerequisite for a symphony of flavors that will leave your taste buds singing.

Preparing the Pit Barrel Cooker

Preparing the Pit Barrel Cooker for your culinary adventure is the first step to success. Begin by adding high-quality sea salt to the grill. Drizzle some oil on the grill grate and then season with salt. This not only seasons the seafood but also helps to create that coveted smoky ambiance. It's the foundation upon which your Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish masterpiece will be built.

Placing the Fish with Precision

Now, let's place the fish on the grill. Suspended vertically, the fish will be enveloped by a smoky vortex, courtesy of the Pit Barrel Cooker's ingenious design. This allows the smoke to kiss every inch of the fish, imparting its signature flavor with precision. As the fish slowly cooks over the charcoal, it transforms into a tender, succulent delight, a testament to the art of smoking.

The Art of Patience

Smoking a Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish is an exercise in patience and precision. Maintaining a consistent temperature is crucial, as this ensures that the smoke gently caresses the fish, coaxing out its natural flavors. Slow and steady is the mantra here, and the reward is well worth the wait.

Savoring the Culinary Symphony

As you take that first bite of your perfectly smoked Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish, you'll experience a taste sensation like no other. The smoky, grilled essence combines harmoniously with the sea salt, elevating the seafood to a level of gastronomic excellence that's truly unmatched.

In the world of outdoor cooking, smoking Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish is a culinary journey that beckons the adventurous soul. It's a symphony of flavors where seafood takes center stage, and the Pit Barrel Cooker is the conductor of this culinary orchestra. 

So, grab your seafood of choice, add a dash of sea salt, let the smoke work its magic, and embark on a smoky seafood adventure that's sure to leave a lasting impression.

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Serving the Culinary Masterpiece: Enhancing Your Pit Barrel Cooker Whole Fish Experience

To truly savor the essence of your Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish, consider complementing this culinary masterpiece with a carefully curated selection of garnishes and sides. These accompaniments play a vital role in enhancing the overall dining experience, creating a harmonious balance between the smoky richness of the fish and the refreshing elements that dance on your palate.

A zesty citrus salad, bursting with the tang of freshly squeezed oranges and lemons, can be a delightful addition. Its vibrant citrus notes serve as a perfect foil to the savory smokiness of the fish, creating a symphony of flavors that captivate your taste buds.

Alternatively, you might opt for a fragrant garlic-infused couscous, its fluffy grains absorbing the aromatic essence of roasted garlic, thereby creating a textural contrast that elevates each bite of your Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish to new heights.

And let's not forget the timeless classic—a gentle squeeze of lemon. This simple yet powerful addition offers an extra burst of zesty freshness that harmonizes with the flavors of the fish, enhancing every mouthful and leaving you craving for more.

Presentation Matters: A Feast for the Senses

In the world of culinary arts, presentation is not just a matter of aesthetics; it's a vital element that engages all the senses. When serving your Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish, consider presenting it with a flair that tantalizes the eyes before it delights the palate.

Garnish your culinary masterpiece with a generous sprinkle of fresh herbs, such as fragrant basil or vibrant parsley. These verdant accents not only add an herbal aroma to the dish but also introduce a pop of color that invigorates the plate, creating a visual masterpiece that mirrors the taste sensation about to unfold.

Don't stop there—arrange lemon wedges around the plate. The contrasting hues of yellow against the backdrop of smoky, bronzed fish provide a visual delight that stimulates the senses even before the first bite. The mere sight of this carefully orchestrated presentation is a precursor to the extraordinary culinary journey that awaits.

culinary experiences

In the realm of culinary experiences, serving your Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish is not merely about nourishing the body; it's an art form that nourishes the soul. By enhancing the flavors with thoughtfully chosen garnishes and paying meticulous attention to presentation, you elevate your dining experience to a level where every sense is engaged, and every bite is an exquisite masterpiece.

So, take these suggestions to heart and embark on your culinary adventure, for the Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish is not just a dish—it's a symphony of taste and a visual spectacle that will leave an indelible mark on your gastronomic repertoire.

Try our super easy Pit Barrel Cooker Salmon Recipe


In the world of culinary exploration, the Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish is a treasure waiting to be discovered. Its ancient roots, flavor alchemy, and meticulous preparation process make it a culinary adventure worth undertaking. By following our guide, you'll be well on your way to mastering this culinary masterpiece, delighting your taste buds and those of your fortunate guests.

So, fire up your Pit Barrel Cooker, select the finest fish, and embark on a gastronomic journey like no other. The Pit Barrel Cooker whole fish is not just a dish; it's an experience that will leave an indelible mark on your culinary repertoire.

Make sure to comeback to SmokyBeginnings.com as we are continuously adding new recipes and tips to the site.

Pit Barrel Cooker Whole Fish FAQs

Q: Can you smoke fish in Pit Barrel Cooker?

A: Yes, you can absolutely smoke fish in a Pit Barrel Cooker. In fact, the Pit Barrel Cooker is renowned for its ability to infuse smoky flavors into fish, creating a delectable culinary experience.

Q: Which is an ideal method for cooking whole fish?

A: The Pit Barrel Cooker is an ideal method for cooking whole fish. Its unique design and vertical cooking style allow for even heat distribution, ensuring that the fish cooks to perfection while maintaining its moisture and flavor.

Q: What are two appropriate cooking methods for whole fish?

A: Two appropriate cooking methods for whole fish are grilling and smoking. Grilling imparts a lovely char and smokiness to the fish, while smoking infuses it with a deep, rich flavor. The Pit Barrel Cooker excels at both methods.

Q: How do you smoke salmon on a Pit Barrel Cooker?

A: To smoke salmon on a Pit Barrel Cooker, first prepare the salmon by seasoning it with your preferred spices. Place it on the grill grate, away from direct heat. Add wood chips or chunks for smoke flavor. Close the lid, maintain a consistent temperature, and smoke until the salmon reaches your desired level of doneness.

Q: Do you flip salmon when smoking?

A: In most cases, you do not need to flip salmon when smoking it on a Pit Barrel Cooker. The vertical cooking style ensures even heat distribution, allowing the fish to cook evenly without the need for flipping.

Q: Should I put water in the smoker for salmon?

A: Putting water in the smoker for salmon is optional. Some smokers use a water pan to help regulate temperature and create a moist cooking environment. It can be beneficial for longer smoking sessions, but it's not mandatory when smoking salmon on a Pit Barrel Cooker.

Q: How do you keep fish moist when smoking?

A: To keep fish moist when smoking, use a marinade or brine before smoking to add flavor and retain moisture. Additionally, avoid overcooking, as fish can dry out quickly. Using a smoker like the Pit Barrel Cooker with precise temperature control also helps maintain moisture.

Q:  Do you cook fish before smoking it?

A: No, you do not need to cook fish before smoking it. Smoking is a complete cooking method that cooks the fish from raw to done. Preparing and seasoning the fish before smoking is sufficient.

Q: Do you use a water pan when smoking fish?

A: Using a water pan when smoking fish is a matter of preference. By adding a water pan you are essentially creating a larger indirect heat zone. While it can help regulate temperature and add moisture to the cooking environment, it's not always necessary. The Pit Barrel Cooker's design often negates the need for a water pan due to its excellent heat distribution.

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pit barrel cooker salmon

Pit Barrel Cooker Salmon

Indulge in the rich, smoky flavors of Pit Barrel Cooker Salmon. This recipe combines the simplicity of the Pit Barrel Cooker with a mouthwatering marinade to create tender, flavorful salmon that's perfect for any occasion. With just the right balance of zesty lemon, aromatic dill, and a hint of smokiness, this dish is a true culinary delight. Impress your guests or enjoy a delightful family meal with this Pit Barrel Cooker masterpiece that's easy to make and incredibly satisfying.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4
Calories 250 kcal


  • 4 Salmon fillets (6-8 oz each)
  • 2 tsp Olive oil
  • 2 tsp Fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tsp Fresh dill, chopped
  • 1 tsp Garlic powder
  • 1 tsp Onion powder
  • 1 tsp Paprika
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • ½ tsp Black pepper
  • ½ tsp Brown sugar (optional)
  • Lemon wedges and fresh dill sprigs for garnish


  • Prepare the Salmon: Start by patting the salmon fillets dry with paper towels. This will help the seasonings adhere better to the fish.
  • Season the Salmon: In a small bowl, mix together the olive oil, lemon zest, lemon juice, fresh dill, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, salt, black pepper, and brown sugar (if using). This creates a flavorful marinade. Coat the salmon fillets evenly with the marinade, ensuring both sides are well covered. Allow the salmon to marinate for at least 30 minutes in the refrigerator. This step is essential to infuse the salmon with delicious flavors.
  • Prepare the Pit Barrel Cooker: While the salmon is marinating, set up your Pit Barrel Cooker. Light the charcoal in the chimney starter until the coals are ashed over. Place a few chunks of your favorite smoking wood onto the hot coals. Once the wood is producing smoke, assemble the Pit Barrel Cooker according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Plank-Grill the Salmon: Take the salmon fillets from the marinade and place them on cedar planks on top of the grill grate. Make sure to leave sufficient space between each fillet for uniform cooking. Cover the Pit Barrel Cooker with the lid, ensuring the vent holes are wide open.
  • Smoke the Salmon: Allow the salmon to smoke at a consistent temperature of approximately 250-275°F (121-135°C) for about 1 hour or until the internal temperature of the salmon reaches 145°F (63°C). The low and slow smoking process imparts a rich, smoky flavor to the salmon while keeping it tender and moist.
  • Serve and Garnish: Carefully remove the smoked salmon fillets from the Pit Barrel Cooker. They should have a beautiful golden-brown color and a delightful smoky aroma. Garnish the salmon with lemon wedges and fresh dill sprigs for a burst of freshness.
  • Enjoy: Serve the Pit Barrel Cooker Smoked Salmon as a main dish with your favorite sides or on a bed of mixed greens for a lighter option. It pairs wonderfully with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.
Keyword Pit Barrel Cooker Salmon

About the author 

CJ Ferrara

CJ Ferrara is a BBQ enthusiast, who shares his passion for grilling and smoking meats with the readers of Smoky Beginnings. When he isn't grilling, smoking meat, or writing BBQ-focused articles you can catch him spending time with his family and enjoying a sporting event.

Find out more about CJ on our About Us page

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